Author: Fuzzygalore


Waving to Little Girls in Car Windows

Can inspiration be found in a simple gesture? On Sunday, I zipped towards the Expressway on a 4-lane highway. To my left, a preteen girl sat in the backseat of a car slowly passing me....


Two Coca-Cola Ghost Signs Spotted

Though I don’t drink soda or smoke, I do have an affinity for tobacco and soda wall advertising. Whenever I see a Coca-Cola ghost ad, it feels like a win for the day. Previously...


Saturday Stop at the Moodna Viaduct

On Saturday, I stopped by the Moodna Viaduct. The sky was so blue and gorgeous I thought the oxidized trestle would look gorgeous spanning across the valley. It did. You might recall seeing the...


Road Notes – As they Happen?

I’ve been thinking about ditching Instagram since I’ve pretty much abandoned using it. My feed has become an endless stream of the same old, same old and “influencer” drivel in a way that I...


Random Things on a Rainy Thursday

“This morning when I got to work, I kept tugging at the collar of my dress. Something about it was so annoying.” “Was it inside out?” “No, on backward. Who the hell puts a dress on backward?”...


The Ghosts of MIddletown

Last weekend we had an itty-bitty taste of spring. Temperatures crept into the 60’s and so I decided to hop on the Bonnie and visit a few of the pins on my Google Maps...


Greetings from my Underground Lair

Hello. I would’ve written sooner, but it’s been so long since I’ve used my laptop, I actually forgot my password for it. True story. After finally resetting Macbook password, I was informed that doing so...