Category: Friends


If You Can Read This Sticker…

My friend Kathy over at Appalachian Tours (visit her blog!) surprised me with this awesome sticker. Don’t you just love it? I have the perfect spot for it on my Givi box. ::squeals:: 😀


What’s In Your Motorcycle Gear Pockets?

Some people are tidy and organized in a way that I could never be. My motorcycle tankbag was always filled with scraps of paper, loose goldfish crackers, old receipts and junk that wasn’t necessary...


Day 29: Making Friends Along the Way – #29in29

For my final post of the #29in29 Challenge – I leave you with this~ If you’ve been following the challenge, I hope that maybe you’ve discovered a new blogger you hadn’t been reading regularly...


Day 19: My Constant Companion – #29in29

Sometimes when I leave my house, the sun at my back – I take a strange comfort in seeing my shadow riding along with me. Seeing it makes me feel like I’m “going somewhere”....