Day 29: Making Friends Along the Way – #29in29

For my final post of the #29in29 Challenge – I leave you with this~

Friends Forever Sticker

If you’ve been following the challenge, I hope that maybe you’ve discovered a new blogger you hadn’t been reading regularly or maybe even made a new friend along the way.

For the other bloggers who have risen to the challenge of making a post each day throughout the month of February – I hope you had fun. Thanks for sharing a window into your world. I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts each day. Thank you!

29in29 Challenge Bloggers:


My 29in29 Photos:


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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16 Responses

  1. Highwaylass says:

    It has been a total joy to take part in this challenge! I have loved reading lots of posts from new blogs and on a purely selfish note it gave me the excuse to capture tons of memories from my trip Down Under. Thank you so much xx

  2. It’s been lots of fun. Thanks for inspiring us all to post more. 🙂

  3. Immensely enjoyed your pix. I agree with #29: chocolate ice cream & marshmallow!

  4. Trobairitz says:

    Thanks for the most awesome challenge Fuzzy. It has been great fun.

    I wonder what you’ll think up next for us.

    Thanks again, it has been surreal.

  5. Fuzzy this has been awesome! Love the pictures and reading everyone’s blogs. Thanks for creating this challenge!

  6. Andrew says:

    Wow, it’s been a month already! Thanks for the great challenge. While it was hard for me to keep up with everyone’s blogs while I was on the road I did find some new blogs to follow and enjoyed seeing everyone’s pics.

    Might have to make it an annual event eh?

    Ride safe everyone!

  7. bobskoot says:


    how do you like the Hero2. I have had the Hero1 for nearly 2 years and it is frustrating to think that your unit is recording, then later you find out it changed modes and you don’t have any video for the day. I don’t have status LED’s on the rear, so I don’t even know if it is on.

    Last week I “Hit” the on button, then the record button expecting lots of video, but all I had was some 5MP still photos of nothing.

    I already have a mini review of the Lumix TS3 vs GoProHD on hold until the 29in29 project was finished.

    With everyone posting daily, it was hard to keep up … thanks for thinking up this idea.

    Riding the Wet Coast

    • Fuzzygalore says:


      I think the Hero is great.
      I do a quick headcheck in the mirror every now and again to see if the light is flashing. I haven’t had an issue with the mode getting changed. I try to remember to only hit the top button to start/stop once it’s set up. I use it with an extended battery and we also have the snap on LCD which we got as a xmas gift this year.

      Initially I used the camera in video mode all the time but quickly discovered the effort required for me to edit a video that would be interesting to someone beside me was too time consuming. I’m not that exciting and it really shows in video 😆 So, i much prefer to leave it in snapshot mode.

      If I get 10 “good” POV pics – i feel like it was a success. Those are 10 pics that i didn’t have to stop and take. I get to enjoy my ride and document it in a way that suits me at the same time. No, the quality isn’t perfection but that’s fine by me. I’m not a photographer.

      Looking forward to seeing your review~

  8. kari says:

    This has been an amazing month! Fun and challenging, especially when my main computer conked out. The whole ball of wax…Thanks for coming up with it.

  9. GLantern says:

    Thanks for starting this whole thing Fuzz! I’m enjoying the whole blog thing i’ll stick around for a while.

    One question if the toilet paper runs out is the cardboard tube still a friend? haha

  10. karinajean says:

    so much fun, Fuzzy! thanks for the challenge. it’s been great to meet so many new people too.

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      I’m so glad to read that you guys enjoyed the posting. 🙂

      Do you “miss it” now that it’s over?

      • karinajean says:

        last night at 10:30 I felt very funny, like I should write a post for the day. so I did! 🙂

        • Fuzzygalore says:

          I hear you –
          I really kind of miss the routine of putting something together and then checking each participating blog, following the tag on Twitter.

          Not that I don’t already do the same thing anyway, but – that feel of purpose made things more focused. I’m hoping some of the other bloggers will put together more challenges – maybe like photo/post themes etc. Even if they are one offs the little push to achieve something goes a long way.

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