California Love: It’s Time to Hit the Road

If there were roosters in San Fancisco, I’m sure I would’ve woke them up while making my morning coffee. I was up long before the sun rubbed the sleep out of it’s eyes. By...


Clearing Away the Cobwebs

Have you noticed the tumbleweeds around here lately?  We just spent a week bumming around northern California on a pair of rented Triumph Tigers and ignoring the blog. BUT… Photos and posts are on...


Blast From The Past: Emblem, Wyoming

My parents were vagabonds in the early 70’s, crisscrossing the States in my mom’s ’68 Firebird. I wrote of it a few years ago. This past week on the heels of my photographic trip...


Puddle Jumping After Hurricane Irene

Hey, did you hear? The east coast experienced apocalyptic Armageddon this week. Earthquake, hurricane Irene, flood, pestilence – you know, typical mushroom-cloud layin’ MFer stuff. As the winds and rain of the hurricane decided...


The Post-Road Trip Hangover

When setting off on a road trip your imagination is full of best laid plans and wonder. There is an excitement that takes over your thoughts as you watch your shadow riding along with...


How I Survived My Zumo 450 GPS

The Battle of the Zumo 450 was hard fought… and won! I am posting this in case there are other new Mac/Zumo 450 users who may have run into the same issue and didn’t...


I Spy: What? Oil Leak? No Way…

Don’t be ridiculous! That bucket is there to catch any of the awesomeness that can no longer be contained within the confines of mere metal. ::mutters under breath::: Oil leak… pfft.