Why Did You Buy the Ural?

I’m surprised by the number of times I’ve been asked “why” or “what made me” buy the Ural. Aren’t most motorcycle purchases here in the US driven by desire, by passion, by the love...


The Motorcycle Key to My Success

Why is it that when I am riding my motorcycle – everything, all of my hopes and dreams, the direction I want to go in my life – those things are all crystal clear?...


Haircuts, Frost and the End of the World

I rode the Ural to my haircut appointment the other night. When I walked in, the receptionist offered to take my jacket as she usually does. She musn’t’ve been used to taking many skunky...


Sad Panda Alert: Pokey Has Gone Missing

Pokey, who has been riding shotgun and making photo cameos with me for the past few months… is no more. I lost him out of my motorcycle jacket pocket along with my most favorite-est glasses....


Knobby Tire Christmas Wreath

This weekend marked the return of our Knobby Tire Christmas wreath. It was pulled down from the dusty reaches of the attic to shine on in the hallway of the Fuzzmop house. Deck the...


My Dream Came True

I don’t know that I believe in fate or destiny but sometimes it seems like you were just meant to stumble upon something, doesn’t it? On Saturday when I was out doing battle with...


Why, Yes. It IS a Giant Cauliflower

In the realm of giant roadside farm fruits and vegetables there are some oft-seen staples like a giant ear of corn or a strawberry. As my friend Wendy, proprietress of the fabulous Roadside Wonders, said ~ “Yep, you...


Getting to Know My Own Backyard

On Sunday morning I was out the door before the sun tiptoed over the horizon. I made my way over to the water in hopes of getting a good spot to watch it come...


Sena SMH10 Bluetooth Headset

A few weeks ago, I received a set of Sena SMH10 Bluetooth Headsets and a a SM10 Dual Stream Bluetooth Stereo Transmitter to use and review. Preliminary long story short? I am LOVING using...


If You Can Read This Sticker…

My friend Kathy over at Appalachian Tours (visit her blog!) surprised me with this awesome sticker. Don’t you just love it? I have the perfect spot for it on my Givi box. ::squeals:: 😀


Hey, Friends – Just Checking In

In the days leading up to Hurricane Sandy there was a sense of impending doom that was fed by the news. Everyone knew the storm would be bad but I don’t think anyone was...


Riding the 2012 SLASHER Motorcycle Rally

Sure, it sounds a bit demented, but the SLASHER Rally is harmless: Sea, Land, Air, and Space: Hammy’s Experimental Rally (Slasher) Though the rally is actually 2 days – Saturday & Sunday – I’ll only...