Why, Yes. It IS a Giant Cauliflower
In the realm of giant roadside farm fruits and vegetables there are some oft-seen staples like a giant ear of corn or a strawberry. As my friend Wendy, proprietress of the fabulous Roadside Wonders, said ~ “Yep, you can barely swing a dead cat without hitting a giant apple … but this! This was a wonder to behold!”
Indeed it is, my dear. Indeed it is.
Giant cauliflower?… magnificent. Dare I say? Scrumtrulescent!
If said magnificent cauliflower were to go missing, it did not in any way get strapped down to the rear rack of the Ural and make it’s final resting spot a nest of iridescent unicorn mane hair in my living room. Absolutely not.
I must live in the most boring part of the country or under a rock. I never find things like this! LOL
Oh, I’m betting that you have plenty of kooky stuff around.
Chris from http://www.everydayriding.org sent me a poster that is a Minnesota map outlining all of the great big roadside attractions in the state. I’m confident you’ve got plenty of weirdness there! 😀
In case you need some inspiration 😀
Wow, who knew there were giant cauliflower lurking by the wayside.
You do seem to have a knack for finding cool stuff.
You have an iridescent unicorn mane?
Doesn’t everyone? 🙂
I’m hoping I’ll get mine in my christmas stocking this year then … 😀
Hmmm I wonder if you could get a giant block of cheese to make cheese sauce for that baby?!
Oooh! I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for big cheese 🙂
I was perusing your blog today and came across this one. As you may know, I love the big things and the quirky things. I actually have some shots of a giant potato on the back of a truck taken in Driggs, Idaho. And, there is also a giant potato in Blackfoot, Idaho. Both are on my blog.
Keep on Enjoying the Ride!!