Tagged: Long Island


Sights from the Road: The Worst Graffiti Ever

Sometimes your travels will take you past picturesque settings of mountain ranges echoed in the glass like reflection of a lake at its feet while other times you find the beauty of something fragile in a more urban setting like a lone flower growing through a crack in the sidewalk.


Going Back in Time: DeLorean Style

Today while I was out and about, out of the corner of my eye I spied what appeared to be the home for wayward Delorean cars. Surely this has got to be the largest concentration of the stainless steel 80s icon in one place.


Spring Fever Sunday: The Reawakening of the Season

I got the word today that our dear friend Bill would be making his maiden return voyage to motorcycling after being sidelined for some months now. Our little clique, buzzing with the excitement of this news descended in to to say hello and grab a cuppa-cawfee.