Category: Motorcycle


We Are the Hopeless Gang!

We will come to your town! We will kick some ass! …assuming we don’t break down on the way. 😀 Oh. In case you were wondering? Slowest drag race EVER!


Seeing Signs – Make Someone Happy

Watching “Signs,” featuring a scene with Mel Gibson’s Graham Hess, sparks a reflection. People either view lucky events as signs and miracles, suggesting a protective presence, or attribute them to mere chance, leaving them feeling alone and fearful. The film prompts the viewer to consider whether life events are mere coincidences or something more. Which perspective resonates with you?


Taking Turns – Juggling Riding TIme

When it comes to being a family of motorcyclists, the upsides far outweigh the downsides. But to keep things running smoothly, there is a bit of creative juggling that happens with time management. Neither my husband...


Grrrr! My New Ural Yamal TShirt

While I was at Ural of New England last weekend, I got a Ural Yamal tshirt.  Olga, proprietress and fabulous lady, designs the shirts that are for sale in their shop. LOVE! What the...


One Motorcycle, Please – Hold the Salt

Over the weekend I had a nice conversation with another motorcycle rider. He mentioned that he wasn’t riding because of the snow. That’s understandable – maybe he didn’t feel safe or didn’t have gear...


Things a Motorcycle Mom Wonders

One of the most important deciding factors in me getting the Ural was how my daughter Chloe felt about it. When I first brought the idea up on an indian summer afternoon, her eyes...

What is An Adventure? 7

What is An Adventure?

“Adventure is just a personal thing, I decided, it means whatever you want it to. To me it means having a go at something that might be exciting or difficult, just to see if I can.”

from Lois on the Loose by Lois Pryce