
Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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11 Responses

  1. You kids today with your suspension and your foot shifters and your oil pumps…and your transistor radios.

  2. Shybiker says:

    Ha! Great sense of humor.

  3. RichardM says:

    Wonderful combination, Ural and Royal Enfield! Which is faster?

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      😆 The Enfield.
      It definitely has more top end. We were cracking up on the Sena headsets while we were “racing” Kenny looked like a gorilla on a tricycle speeding away at an indicated 70+.

  4. OG says:

    Hey, I could finally hang with you two on my CT70!!

    • Fuzzy says:

      I don’t know. Don’t you have anything that has parts that might vibrate off of it AND can’t get out of its own way? 😉

      • OG says:

        Well…..the Moto Parilla actually has a smaller engine than the one I have currently installed in the CT…and it’s a dodgy Italian with classic good looks so it’s surely hopeless. The fact that I am assembling it carefully as we speak only means it might be less hopeless 😀

        Get Kenny a jumbo sized bottle of Loktite and a handful of lithium pills, lock him the garage with those two bikes and cross your fingers 😀 😀

  5. GLantern says:

    I’m sure you used the sidecar to block him off the line and won right?

  6. KaTy Did says:

    I remember when I had my Ural. I rode from So. Cal to Laughlin (@280 miles or so). When I got there my friends were already at dinner and asked how long it took me. I told them 40 days and 40 nights. It was the longest haul ever. At a good clip I was going about 65 mph. LOL! I sold it. I miss it now though. How fun for you!

  7. Ken says:

    Drooling over your RE. The Ural is nice to.. Great picture.

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