Tagged: arizona


Sights from the Road: Enchanted by the Mermaid Song

The mermaids of legend were said to enchant men with their nubile beauty and alluring song. They were notorious for running ships aground or luring sailors to their demise into the seas. Along the Massachusetts and New York border, I spied this curious piece of yard art. Just as in legend, this mermaid lured me in to come ever closer to her. ::Read On::


Visiting Iceland: A Day trip to Gullfoss and Geysir

The sheer power of Gullfoss waterfall is something to behold as you walk down the windy spray filled path to stand at the edge of the falls. A bajillion gallons of water go rushing by, clean and blue as you stand just a dozen feet away, wind whipping your face. It’s absolutely stunning to stand so close to such power.


Visiting Iceland: Assorted Photographs from Reykjavik

Reykjavik felt more like a suburb, like a far less dense and congested Queens, moreso than a major city. At times we found ourselves walking alone on streets that were lined with single family dwellings. Even within the town center there were moments when we were alone. Though it was the Easter holiday time, think about how often that happens in Times Square. Mmm… never? With less than 400,000 residents you’ve got a lot of elbow room in Iceland. I loved that part.


Visiting Iceland: Our Arrival at Keflavik and on to Reykjavik

What I knew of Iceland before I left was that it was a naturally rugged and raw, beautiful place. For about a year now it has been dancing on my subconscious as place I must visit soon. Life has a funny habit of passing you by in a blink so when opportunity knocked on my email box this past March I thought it best to take the leap. And with that, off we went in to the red sunrise…


Iceland: The Fuzz’s Motorbike

I was surprised to see a very large population of motorcycle riders around Reykjavik. It really drove home the idea that people are the same everywhere. Squids, crusty old pirates, adventure guys… all the usual suspects, just waaaaaaay up north. The Reykjavik police have it good, wouldn’t you say? Check out one of their FJRs:


Memory Lane: Riding through Sequoia National Park

Sequoia National Park in June of 2008 was the first time that I’d ever laid eyes on what it really means to see a big tree. They’re so huge that it’s quite difficult to capture them in pictures because you can’t actually get the whole tree into the frame and then on top of that you don’t have much to compare to size-wise if you do.


One of Many: The Single Finger Salute

…in a long line of One Finger Salutes. photo courtesy of drdaytona Choosing the correct salute is imperative. My go-to salute is often a well-timed combination of honking followed by a single finger coupled...


Remembering California: The Sundial Bridge

Found in Redding, California the Sundial Bridge is a pedestrian footbridge built by Santiago Calatrava. Seeing this was one of the daliances that I had when we were riding in California. You wouldn’t think that riding would help to feed my love of art and architecture, but so far its been a nice way to get out and see things 🙂

Some Shots from Wellsboro 1

Some Shots from Wellsboro

Yes, I know that none of these pictures are very good, but for me they are serving a purpose. After witnessing such an awful event in losing Michael and Cindy last week I felt...