Category: Motorcycle


Will Ride for Donuts

My love of donuts is known far and wide amongst my friends. Perhaps you’ve even noticed the pink donut sticker on the BonBon. I don’t know when the love affair began, really. But I...


Water Rises to it’s Own Level

Water rises to it’s own level. I used to hear my dad say that. He felt that people gravitate to other people like themselves. Trouble finds trouble, kindness finds kindness. But is it true?...


This is My Secret Support System

I feel sad saying it, but over the last 6+ months there have innumerable dark moments. Many times over, I’ve asked myself what the point of going on is if it is just to...


Great Sign: Welcome to Pennsylvania

Over the course of a lifetime, we pass lots of welcome signs. They’re on stores and parks, at state and country borders. I like stopping to document the border crossings with photos. As my...


Welcome to Dwarf, Kentucky!

Uh… thanks? Sometimes I’ll see a name on a map and just know that one day I’ll have to pass through town to see what’s going on there. Most of the time with these...


Thoughts on the Roadtrip Hangover

There is often a strange sort of hangover that happens to me when I return from a roadtrip. The adjustment seems to take longer for the return than it does for the leaving. While...


Left Gloves and Phone Blogging

Over the past week and a half, I’ve posted to my blog using my phone exclusively. I wasnt sure how it would turn out because of the weird expectations and rules that I’ve long...