Category: Motorcycle


A Nod to Roadside Americana Staple – The Dinosaur

Over the weekend, I stopped and had a chat with this motley crew. Aren’t they a handsome bunch? Dinosaurs are a hugely popular fixture in the roadside Americana landscape. Their popularity seems to transcend visitors’...


Hopper’s House by the Railroad

The House that Inspired the Painter My attention operates with cyclical obsession. An idea will blow in on the breeze and lodge itself firmly in my mind. It’ll then go about the business of...


The Ebb and Flow of Motivation

Ebb and flow. My thoughts and motivations come in waves, pushing in and pulling back. Just when I think I’ve got myself into a nice, natural posting rhythm, I go belly up and float...


My Bonneville – The Great Equalizer

Some people take it as a personal affront when their motorcycle wave isn’t returned by another rider. I’m not one of them. I wave because I want to. Or sometimes, I don’t because I...