Yearly Archive: 2016


VOID Rally 11: The Doubt Phase

Seemingly random pins on a map… different colors, different point values, all perplexing. That’s what I’ve got to use to put together a route for my Void Rally 11 ride. The object is to...


A Quick Check-In – I’m Alive and Well!

Whoops. It’s been 20 days since I posted anything. It isn’t that I haven’t had anything to talk about. Quite the contrary, really. I’ve done a few dualsport events, crashed twice during said dualsport...


Bull Durham Ghost Ads and a Pink Elephant

Like a dumbbell, I brought my (3rd partially broken) point-n-shoot camera with its nifty 30x zoom with me… but failed to charge the battery. One day I’ll get this all right, but this? This...


Making My Way Toward Route 6

When I woke up and looked out the window, there was a cool fog hanging over everything. The world around me was still asleep when I set off for the day. Because it’s August...


A Slow Start to a Saturday Ride

On Friday night, I fell asleep before 9pm. It was probably a combination of things that knocked me out. I was up before the sun, I spent the afternoon riding in the oppressive heat...


Oh Deer – Dirt Roads and Deposit

After visiting the Starrucca Viaduct I bummed around the backroads, not straying very far. I had to watch my odometer. In an act of luminescent brilliance I left my wallet back in the RV....


Ghost Sign: Fletcher’s Castoria – Hancock, NY

This Fletcher’s Castoria ghost ad can be seen on Wheeler Street in Hancock, NY. Another ride, another roadside thing, another rabbit hole to fall down and research. Other than being able to confidently make...


Plan A Is Only A Small Part Of The Story

When I was writing the post about using Mid-Atlantic lighthouses as a ride destination, I kept thinking about what really happens when you plan to go and see a “thing.” When the ride is done and dusted, that thing you...