Following the Dirt Road Along Factory Creek

On Saturday morning, I set off from Hancock, NY following a track on the GPS that my friend Joe had given to me. Other than being told that it was a loop of dirt roads, I was flying blind with regard to where I was going or what I would see along the way.

When you have no expectations, you can’t be let down. And I wasn’t.

GoPro snapped a picture of me taking a picture. That seems to be a common theme as I scroll through the days photos.

Sometimes I wish that I could take a photograph with my eyes. What comes out of something even like the GoPro is never what I saw. As the dirt roads wound their way through the trees, the light was filtering in through their branches. You could feel the moisture hanging on the air from the rain that had passed through earlier in the morning.

When I came around the corner on Wallerville Road, I was surprised to find a concrete retaining wall keeping the Factory Creek from eating the road. It seemed unusual for a lightly traveled place – so man-made in an otherwise natural setting. That said, it provided a compelling if hard and unforgiving contrast to the easy flowing water and the mossy layered rocks that it penned in.

I followed Wallerville road and the creek to the town of Equinunk under the green canopy feeling lucky to have been there.


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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4 Responses

  1. Shybiker says:

    It won’t be long until we’ll have cameras fitted into contact-lenses which click by voice-command. Which will give you the exact images you’re looking for.

  2. Adrianna says:

    Awesome photos, looks like a great adventure!

  3. Curvyroads says:

    Beautiful pics of a great adventure.

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