Tagged: Italy


California Love: Sequoia National Park

As we climbed up into the mountains of Sequoia National Park, the temperature dropped sharply. We rode from Porterville and it’s scorched earth up into the park where the roads were wet and the...


California Love: Golden Fields on Hot Springs Drive

The weather in California proved to be unpredictable. We went through cycles of sweating bullets to freezing cold over and over again. The hottest weather we experienced was along the aptly named Hot Springs...


California Love: It’s Time to Hit the Road

If there were roosters in San Fancisco, I’m sure I would’ve woke them up while making my morning coffee. I was up long before the sun rubbed the sleep out of it’s eyes. By...


Following My Heart Back Home

I stood in the gas station near Windham, NY, sweating. My shadow stretched out on the ground in front of me, surrounded by an orangey glow. This was it. Decision time. In an instinctive...


Sometimes You Have To Go It Alone

I sat on the curb in a Pennsylvania gas station and looked up at Bill. The backdrop behind him was a rolling green mountain, under the brightest blue sky. We’d already put just about...


Moto Photo Blog-O-Rama Meme: Bridges

Motorcycles and photography are a match made in heaven. How about posting some of your fab motorcycle-related photos and sharing them with us based on a photo meme? Photo Meme: Bridges This coastline photo...