Visting the DeLorme Map Store in Yarmouth Maine

Right outside of Freeport in Yarmouth, Maine is the DeLorme map store. If you’ve travelled I-95 north through Maine, no doubt you’ve seen the giant globe named Eartha in it’s glass house too. We’ve driven past it for years now but time always has a way of getting away from us so we’ve never stopped in. As luck would have it yesterday, we weren’t in any kind of hurry to get anywhere and had no real timetable other than making sure we got to the last ferry across the sound, so we took the opportunity to finally go in.


And.. We’re Home Again

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor....


Spy Shot: Golden Gate Bridge

Its seems kind of funny to see a picture of myself actually riding. When I’m on the bike, I’m so engrossed with what is going on inside my helmet that I don’t generally consider...


California: Missing the Beauty of Big Sur

Tonight I said to Kenny, ‘When do we leave for California?’ I swear, it already seems like it was 5 years ago that we were there and I haven’t even been home for a...


California Dreaming: Bakersfield to North Fork

Saturday June 14, 2008 – Bakersfield to North Fork I guess Kenny’s zipper didn’t have the tensile strength to hold back the sheer force of his manaconda. It ended up blowing out, so before...


California Dreamin: Hello, San Francisco

Kenny and I head to California for an 8 day, 3000 mile trip riding in all over California and Oregon – visiting San Francisco, Sequoia NP, Yosemite NP, Redwood NP, Crater Lake NP and everything in between


Heading West – Prologue

As I sit here and type this I am filled with nervous excitement. 48 hours from now I will be taxiing down the runway on a plane heading towards San Francisco. That will be...

Eat Here and Get Gas 0

Eat Here and Get Gas

I was poking through my pictures from the last few weeks and found that I’ve got a couple related to gas pumps. I guess the folks at the pump below in Virginia were just...