Happy New Year, Friends

Welcome to 2017, friends. I hope that your holiday season was fun, that you had some time off of work, ate, drank and enjoyed your loved ones. Add to that the hope that you’ve...


The Life Your Blog Lives Without You

“…Others’ photos are a way to understand and appreciate how THEY see the world.” -Ry @TwoWheelsToThere.com One of the most fascinating aspects of keeping a blog isn’t necessarily the act of writing it –...


Oh, Hello, Blue Whale of Catoosa!

In my last post where I rambled on about daydreams, I did have a specific daydream that was the catalyst. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Blue Whale of Catoosa, Oklahoma. Whale? Meet these fine people....


Void Rally 11: RTFM, Dummy!

  Remember that time I posted about how I had planned my Void Rally 11 route and it was done and dusted and I was okay with it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…heh… hoooo… That was funny, wasn’t...