VOID Rally 11: Route is Planned, Resignation Settles In

Alright. This is it. For better or worse, my Void Rally route is done and dusted. I have a feeling it’s complete poo, but eh, that’s alright. I’m trying to come back around to remember what I’m doing. I’m going for a ride and there is beer at the end. Can’t win considering the playing field. Once again, I’m just fightin’ for the middle.

Something about my route feels a little long in the tooth, though. That’s a hurdle I can’t seem to get past. I always pad extra time in so hopefully I can make some adjustments without having to drop any bonus stops and still have enough wiggle room to get back to rally HQ without having to look over my paperwork with my hair on fire.

Also… fuck this hurricane. Hurricane Matthew can go right on to hell, messin’ with people lives like this.

So, that’s it. I shove off tomorrow afternoon for Reading, PA to have dinner with the other Rallyists. Hopefully I have enough room for food after nibbling my fingernails for 3 days now.

If you’re a Void-er, too – safe travels, have fun and see you in Fredericksburg, VA!


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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9 Responses

  1. bob says:

    Take your own advice; Have fun and be safe…. Any ride you can walk away from is a good one.

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      Yes, you’re right 🙂

      How was the Tenere on the course at Hunter?

      • bob says:

        A 575lb, 100+hp dirt bike on 80/20 dual sport tires is an oxymoron. Working hard to stay within my abilities and the limitations of my bike, I still had a great time. I actually got the bike airborne twice! My two favorite tests were the drag race and the 1/4 mile uphill dirt road. I got to go as fast as I dared.

  2. Ted Kettler says:

    I mentioned the Void 11 on the latest Episode of the Motorcycle Men Podcast… I gotta get one of these people on the show to talk about it… Cool stuff!!

  3. Darrin says:

    Who cares about food, As long as you have room for beer!

  4. Chris says:

    Did someone say beer????

    Hope to see you at the dinner Thursday eve providing I get out of work in time

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