Tagged: arizona


I Met A Man On The Salton Sea

While I was heading south along the shore of southern California’s Salton Sea, I saw a familiar shape casting a shadow across a parking lot. I’m sure my eyes must’ve swirled with stars as...


Oh, Hello, Blue Whale of Catoosa!

In my last post where I rambled on about daydreams, I did have a specific daydream that was the catalyst. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Blue Whale of Catoosa, Oklahoma. Whale? Meet these fine people....


Making My Way Toward Route 6

When I woke up and looked out the window, there was a cool fog hanging over everything. The world around me was still asleep when I set off for the day. Because it’s August...


A Slow Start to a Saturday Ride

On Friday night, I fell asleep before 9pm. It was probably a combination of things that knocked me out. I was up before the sun, I spent the afternoon riding in the oppressive heat...


Oh Deer – Dirt Roads and Deposit

After visiting the Starrucca Viaduct I bummed around the backroads, not straying very far. I had to watch my odometer. In an act of luminescent brilliance I left my wallet back in the RV....