Back to Normal-ish or at Least Back to Reality
Well, hello, strangers 🙂
We’re back from California – took the red eye home on Sunday morning. This work week has really tried to wipe clean any of those good, sunshine feelings that the Golden State had given us. But, things here seem to be turning around anyway. The weather has been delightful and that does a lot to keep your mood up.
During our trip out west I excitedly ticked off a few of my bucket list items. We went to Randy’s donuts, took a bicycle vacation and I got to pedal across the Golden Gate Bridge. Since we hadn’t actually planned on going to San Francisco, that was a special treat for me. Plus, above all else we got to spend time with our friend Ed – which Kenny and I both love to do.
While we were heading out of Mammoth Lakes towards Lake Tahoe, I also got to meet with 2 super-duper motorcycle humans for dinner: J. Brandon of American Sahara and the Motochat host on Twitter and also Teri who goes by the handle Nevada Wolf. Being an awkward dork I find it hard to reach out and meet people but I’m trying. That was one of my goals for 2015, to come out of my shell a little and meet more people. Now, I’m happy to call J. and Teri friends.
With this week quickly coming to a close, I’m hoping to duck out for a day ride on Sunday, maybe visit another whispering giant if I can. That’ll be an all day affair so I’ll have to see what I can squeeze in.
And, I just realized that next weekend I’ll be heading off to West Virginia to do that Mason-Dixon 2020 rally. Yikes! I thought I had one more week in between. But I guess I can’t really “prepare” for something like that, anyway. I’ll just be going for a ride, looking at stuff and trying not to scare the shit out of myself on some dark back road in the middle of the night.
So that’s it from me, that’s what’s going on. Hope all is well with you.
See ya on the road!
Great photos from your bicycle vacation. And you covered a lot of ground around California. Nice that you got to meet @AmericanSahara and @NevadaWolf. You don’t strike me as tge awkward-at-anything type…
It was great to meet them!
My awkwardness is part of my charm. Maybe. 😆
Just got a chance to look through the rest of your pictures on the blog. You really got a lot in and you obviously had a blast! As always, thanks for sharing. I’ll be heading back to the northern Sierras on the FJR in a couple of weeks.
We really did have a great time. The Sierras are just beautiful.
Lucky duck – I wish i could say the same 🙂 Ride safe and ENJOY!
Glad you had a great time in the Golden State…and that the weather was good for you!
Next time, well get you to Santa Cruz for great bicycle AND motorcycle riding!
Thanks, Colleen! That sounds GREAT to me 😀
Sounds like a superior way to spend your time. The bike trip seems cool. I might have to pull my mountain bike out of mothballs. Not for fun though.
Don’t let work drain all the positive energy from the west coast!
So much fun, great pics, and I really hope you were able to hang on to some of the golden glow from the golden state, and not let the ho-hum kill it all.
Looking forward to catching up some more…for now, too much reading has made my eyes cross. LOL