Tagged: switzerland


Snapshots: Hello from the Malojapass

In addition to being riding nirvana, some roads are visual paradise. The Swiss really know what’s up when it comes to paving a stunning mountain pass. When you see those serpentine terraces undulating through...


Snapshots: At and Around the Simplonpass in Switzerland

Kenny and I traveled across the Simplonpass in Switzerland while heading towards the Col du Petit St. Bernard in France. Assorted pics from Simplonpass: The bridge is called Ganterbrücke. I’ll sign off with my...


In Defense of the Bucket List

Just yesterday I read an article that pointed out what the author saw as a flaw in the bucket list process as it is often portrayed in contemporary culture: As popularly conceived, however, the...


Travel Lessons Learned: Just Stop and Take the Picture

You won’t regret stopping to take the picture but you will regret NOT stopping.

It’s a battle for many riders. You see something beautiful, something weird, something interesting and you saaaaaaaail right on by thinking, “I should take a picture of that.”

Well? Just do it. Stop. It’ll only take a minute. Later on when you can relive those memories in full color, you’ll be glad you did.