Travel Lessons Learned: Just Stop and Take the Picture

You won’t regret stopping to take the picture but you will regret NOT stopping.

fuzzygalore looking at the Grimselpass terraces Switzerland

It’s a battle for many riders. You see something beautiful, something weird, something interesting and you saaaaaaaail right on by thinking, “I should take a picture of that.”

Well? Just do it. Stop. It’ll only take a minute. Later on when you can relive those memories in full color, you’ll be glad you did.


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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9 Responses

  1. charlie6 says:

    truer words…..the lighting is never the same if you don’t stop…..thinking to go back later or another day.

  2. Rosie says:

    Ahh yes, photo regret, I know it all too well.

  3. Kathy says:

    Yep, I can relate.

  4. Dar says:

    I stop and take pics all the time now, sometimes I have back tracked and never found the object of my desire and regret missing the initial stop. Memories thats all we have and pictures make them so much better.

  5. RichardM says:

    I don’t think I’ll ever learn that lesson. I keep thinking that there will be a better shot over the next hill…

  6. I second the notion about regretting not stopping. And RichardM, never wait for the view over the next hill when you can take a picture right now!

  7. Raindog says:

    True dat, Fuzzy. It’s one thing for which many of us ride, snapping the sights, so why the hell don’t we stop to do it?! I blame our task-oriented work selves for corrupting our me-time selves. It is indeed a tough lesson to learn and to relearn and to relearn and to…

    Back in late July I brought upon myself a big motorcycling fail. It involved the last minute cramming of two planned days of riding into one; starting well-before dawn; spending most of the afternoon riding through 100+ temps; much of the day on dirt, including a late-in-the-day topple near the crest of a super-steep and extremely loose, rocky, mountain pass; worrying that I’d damaged my ride by slipping the clutch a bit too much; hardly stopping to drink, and NOT stopping for lunch or dinner; and finally collapsing in a cheap hotel room at 9:30 that night when I’d originally planned to camp (insert sigh of exasperation).

    The unpleasant odor of shame is still upon me, though only I can detect it. Yet what I regret most from that day?… Not stopping for maybe one minute to snap a familiar desert valley in unseasonable green-ness. It’s not that it would have been an award-winning photo or anything, but it would have been something unique to share with others who know the place. What a shame.

    By the way, thank you for the Fuzzy postcard of awesome looking Mont Cenis pass. It was a delight to discover it in my analog inbox.

  8. Shybiker says:

    This happens to me SO OFTEN. Sometimes we can pull over; sometimes we can’t. My favorite sight while riding was impossible to capture — seeing a dog’s joyful face as he hung his head out a car window and felt the wind blowing back his ears.

  9. Guilty, guilty, guilty.

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