Sunday Check-In: 10 Random Things

Each morning I receive a writing prompt from Daily Page. Since I haven’t been using them over the last few weeks, I thought I’d combine 10 of the ones I missed and see what happens.

1. Where do you dream of traveling next?

I’m not sure where my street trips will take me this year. I’ve got a few murky imaginings but nothing that I could talk about. I don’t even have a short-term punch list of roadside stops or anything. Unusual.

I do have a few dirty rides or events that I would like to do. The big one on my list is to do the Pine Barrens 500 in November. From here on the first page of the calendar that seems like 100 years from now. But, you know how quickly the time goes.

fuzzygalore 690 enduro pine barrens

I’m hoping to also do a dirt road ride that starts in Connecticut, connects with the Trans-Mass trail and then into the Puppy Dog route to the roof of Vermont. It’s just a dirt road ride but I’m looking forward to those backroad views that you’re treated to once you get away from the pavement.

Lately, my daydreams have been largely occupied by out-of-the-way places.

And on the random side of things, I’m slightly obsessed with a hiking trip in Zion. Not sure that it is something I will do this year. But, sometimes I’m impulsive so, who knows?

walter's wiggles

I think this obsession may have been spurred on by photos of Walter’s Wiggle above on the Angels Landing trail.

Angels Landing

Considering heights make me go weak in the knees it may seem counterintuitive, but I really want to do it. Even if it means I’ll shit my pants walking up that narrow spine. 🙂

2. What are your writing goals for 2016?

To do more of it? With less censoring.

3. In 2016, I will…

Strive to stop being scared of everything.

Ride my motorcycle more.

Be open to meeting more people.

Embrace my inner badass.

4. What’s the most important lesson you learned this year?

Wow, it’s really hard to narrow this down to one thing.

I’m in charge of my happiness, no matter what.

5. Looking back on 2015, talk about some of the highs and some of the lows.


  • I imploded in a brain-chemical meltdown at the tail end of the year.
  • I withdrew from everyone in my life
  • I acted like an asshole


  • I took several road trips, rode in several rallies, sold some motorcycles, bought some motorcycles
  • Met people who have helped me to think about my life and how I want to live it
  • Finished up the calendar year hopeful

6. What are your strategies for staying positive?

Wing it!

Actually, that’s not true. It has become clear to me that there will be times that I have to self-correct my negative thoughts. Making every effort to keep myself busy with things that are important to me or get outside to do something productive when all I want to do is sit around wallowing in my self-pity is key.

Riding motorcycles helps, too.

7. What’s one thing that’s bothering you?

I ate too many cookies and drank too much beer on my winter break. It was fun at the time. Now I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me to fix that mess.

8. Describe your feelings thus far today.

Today I started my day with riding out to meet my friends for morning coffee at the beach. Since I’d been avoiding everyone for the past few months, it felt good to be happy to see them. Plus I love my motorcycle. That makes me feel like a rockstar.

Feeling great today.

9. Talk about the things you’re most grateful for.

Love in all it’s shapes and forms.

10. What are you missing in your life today?

More vacation time.


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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8 Responses

  1. That new bike of yours looks loads of fun – should help out with a few of the things you talk about here, too 🙂

    I’ve just signed up to Daily Prompt – thanks for the heads up.

  2. Sounds like a good list … and about Angels Landing. I’ve been there. My wife, son and I hiked up to the overlook. Stuart and Lin continued on up that skinny little trail with hundreds of feet of drop off on either side to get on top of Angels Landing.I could not go. I waited for them to return. I just couldn’t do it, not even putting one foot in front of the other to cross that rock bridge to get to top. In hind site, I wish I had tried harder. I don’t know that I will ever have that opportunity again. Am I afraid of heights? I don’t think so. I have a pilot’s license, and flying never bothered me. That narrow rock bridge bothered me something awful.

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      “… I don’t know that I will ever have that opportunity again.”

      That phrase right there makes me do lots of things that scare me. Sometimes I figure what i will gain will outlast the few minutes of terror.

      I hope you make it back one day and find the strength to go all the way 🙂

  3. Shybiker says:

    It’s good to hear your thoughts ’cause we can sense the self-awareness and optimism in them. 2016 will be good for you, my dear.

  4. kp says:

    Oh #7 how I despise thee. Food and drink, drink and food, for weeks. I think my Harley whimpered at me a couple days ago. And my chaps shrunk, possibly a whole size.

    2016 looks like a great year for me to ride more and worry less too 🙂


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