The Snow Ride that Almost Wasn’t

After watching the forecast on Friday night, I was so excited about the idea of riding the Ural in the snow for the first time. There is something so peaceful, so beautiful about the world when that first snow starts to fall. I love the muffled quiet as it blankets everything around you. There is a light that emanates from the fluffy stuff, even after dark.

ural at the beach

All day on Saturday I waited and waited for the snow. I rode along wishing for flakes but all I got was soaked by the winter rain. I did get to glide through some huge flooded puddles near the beach, though.

And I did see a soggy snowman.

ural with mr millenium the snowman

It seemed that the snow just wouldn’t be coming so I went home. Kenny, being the angel that he is, hosed down the Ural and slipped it back in to the garage.

After the sun had set, I heard Kenny say, “here comes the snow” while looking out our front door. I would be able to head out for my first Ural snow ride after all!

Before venturing out onto the main roads, I did a lap around my neighborhood to get my snow legs. There wasn’t any other traffic around as the flying pumpkin thumped along. It was just us, a lone headlight burning a path through the swirling gusts.

ural in the snow by christmas tree

I didn’t ride anywhere special, just looped through our town and down by the beach. But I carried in my pocket that excited feeling of doing something new, something different. Isn’t that one of the greatest feelings in the world? It will never be my first Ural snow ride again, so I took my time relishing each mile.


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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9 Responses

  1. charlie6 says:

    Congrats on your first snow ride on the Ural….fun, isn’t it?

    Have a great new year.


    • Fuzzygalore says:

      Oh, Dom – it WAS! And really, I’m not even sure why. I can’t seem to find the correct words to articulate what was so fab about it but damn it – it was!

      Happy New Year. Looking forward to reading all about your rides. Your photos are so inspiring to me 🙂

  2. Anthony says:

    Awesome Fuzzy -Yay for snow. I keep getting the feeling that you are just a tiny bit in love with that bike!

  3. Karen says:

    Rachel – glad you got to do something you wanted to do … for me, snow riding isn’t on my bucket list. It’s all about the cold – I don’t like being cold.

  4. Trobairitz says:

    Snow ride……take it easy…..

    Am I the only one singing this to Slow Ride by Foghat? Damn that Guitar Hero for sticking this song in my head.

    It is way cool that you got our for a first snow ride. I am sure it won’t be the last. Good thing Kenny was peeking out the window for you.

  5. Bob Bendix says:

    Congrats on your first snow ride and getting a hack. I’ve had one since my daughter was born in ’88, and it’s my year round commuter, as long as the roads are clear. It was 9 degrees out when I rode to work this morning.

    Will you be doing the Midnight Run on your Ural? It’s a whole different event, having to trust a navigator to keep you on course and on time. My daughter Bev and I have done the MNR many times over the years, and it’s always a blast. In 2012, we placed 1st in our class, and missed the overall by 1 point. Not bad, considering we had no odometer or speedometer, and she used her iPhone as a stopwatch! I hope to see you all there. Bob B in NH

  6. That is one cool Christmas Tree!

  7. Diane says:

    So excited that you got to take a spin in the snow. Love the pic of the bike in front of the Christmas Tree. Not sure if you saw this, but a guy was on a Ural in a terrible snow storm and it made the news. I hope I do this right and attach the link .( Thought you might get a kick out of it. Here’s to more snow rides 🙂

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