CBR XX Blackbird: Could this be the fountain of youth?

On Tuesday evening, I rode over to my friend Bill’s place because he needed a lift to satisfy a dream and pick up a beautiful new to him CBR XX Blackbird. After giving him a proper warning that I could indeed be the world’s worst passenger I climbed up on to the pillion seat of my own bike. This is definitely a perk of knowing a girl that rides. Riding bitch on another guy’s bike is something that most of the men I know wouldn’t do unless they were responsible for transporting vital organs to the hospital to save 38 orphans, 2 nuns and a priest at that very moment. Even then I think they’d probably ride waaaaaaay back on the seat while covering their faceshield.

Being a passenger is mentally exhausting! Do people ever make a comfortable transition from rider to pillion or am I just a nut? The internal dialogue in my helmet went something like this:

Hmm, ok. Where the hell am I supposed to put my hands?

Ugh, it probably feels like having a circus elephant balancing on ball with me back here.

Oh no, am I leaning too much? If I don’t lean will I feel like a bag of cement back here?

Oh boy, I’m pretty sure that car is going to merge into us.

Twenty not-knowing-where-to-hold-on minutes later, we pulled up to the sellers house and hopped off the bike.  As we stood there pulling our helmets off in the evening sun, just fifty feet stood between Bill and his black beauty. I felt pretty fortunate to watch a desire that has been burning in a man for just about as long as I have had the pleasure of calling him my friend, finally come to fruition. Getting the things that you want in this life, material or otherwise can be so satisfying.

Bill and his new to him Honda CBR XX Blackbird
I don’t know at what point as an adult you turn the corner of learning to be truly happy for other people, but I have to say… I was really happy for him. I could see his quiet excitement bubbling. I don’t think the smile left his face during the entire transaction. When the handshakes were done and  we pulled away, I rode along behind him grinning in my helmet. I was thinking that maybe there is something to this fountain of youth business. Could it be the new bike smell? As he goosed the throttle this man of 50+ years looked like he was 25 years old. Something tells me he probably felt like it too.
Bill on his CBR Blackbird XX
Many more happy, safe miles to you, Bill!


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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7 Responses

  1. OG says:

    Tell Bill I said congrats! The ole double x is one of my favorite modern bikes, a bike I nearly bought for sport touring purposes. If Hermy’s didn’t exist, well I would have one for sure.
    There are few things in this world like owning a machine that speaks to you..Clearly, the biggest CBR speaks to Bill.

  2. kathy says:

    Being happy for other people when they experience true joy is one of the great things about adulthood. The rest of it – not so much! And you’re right on about how satisfying it is to get things we really want in this life.

  3. tombiggs says:

    I’m an old fart myself (just rolled 52 last week), and I can’t explain how much I love my XX. It was just the thing when I bought it, and each mile I love it just a little bit more. I don’t feel 20, I don’t feel any age at all, I just feel *right*. So maybe it is a fountain of youth after all.

  4. FUZZ! says:

    That’s great, Tom! I wish you many happy and safe miles with the XX.

    And.. Welcome aboard! :oD

  5. FUZZ! says:

    That’s great, Tom! I wish you many happy and safe miles with the XX.

    And.. Welcome aboard! :oD

  1. January 1, 2010

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