Tagged: california2011


Disaster Strikes: When Good Tigers Go Bad

So – why were we 2-up in this photo? Well, I’ll tell you. But, let me preface this by saying I am not trying to bad-mouth anyone and not recommending a company be avoided....


When You Can’t Find the Right Words

Sometimes… sometimes there are just no words that you can string together to properly convey your feelings. I was on the side of the road taking a picture of the view when I saw...


A Detour to Fort Bragg – Glass Beach

When life gives you garbage, make a glass beach When Kenny and I pulled away from the Inn at the Lost Coast a piece of me stayed behind. Spending the night, watching the sunset over the Pacific...


Muffler Man: Willits, California Rodeo Cowpoke

Unfortunately, you cannot get up close and personal with the Willits, California Muffler Man unless the rodeo is open. I had to peer through the fence at this rootin’ tootin’ cowpoke. Handsome, isn’t he?...


Snapshot: The South Park Bus

Sometimes you’re just cruising along and then whammo! Something awesome crosses your path. “I’m goin’ down to South Park, gonna have myself a time…” Found at The Peg House –  Leggett, Ca.


Kindness of Strangers: Mad Map Edition

When Kenny and I were heading south on California 96, we traded places with another group of riders along the route a few times. When we stopped in Weitchpec for gas, they were not...


The Recipe for Romance – Motorcycle Style

When some girls talk of romance they refer to things like candle lit dinners, wine and roses. Not, me. I found the ultimate romantic moment on our California roadtrip. This recipe serves 2 motorcyclists: Start with...


California Love: Sweet Moments in Ferndale

Wednesday’s ride had Kenny and I traveling over a curvaceous stretch of California 36 from Red Bluff to the coast, where we stopped in Ferndale to have lunch. When we pulled in to the...


GoPro Accidental Photos: The Redwoods

While in California, Kenny and I spent a lot of time with out GoPro cameras set to photo mode. We varied the photo shooting time between 1 and 3 second intervals. Overall, I found...


OMG – I Saw Bigfoot in California!

Aside from being a great road to ride, California Highway 96 also has a high number of reported Bigfoot sightings. The town of Happy Camp has a great statue to honor the wooly beast....


Long and Lovely – California Highway 96

From Mount Shasta, Kenny and I were headed for the most northern leg of our trip. We were going to pick up Highway 96 just north of Yreka (Y-reeka). What lay in store for...