Giant Ice Cream Cone – Port Jervis, New York

Since I don’t really actively participate in social media anymore, it feels pretty good to allow myself to just share simple snapshots like I used to on say, Instagram, here on the ole blog. Everything has come full circle, I suppose.

So, with that little intro out of the way, here is a very important snapshot update: it’s a giant ice cream cone. With sprinkles.

Giant ice cream cone at Ben’s fresh in port Jervis New York and a Yamaha fz07 motorcycle

That’s it. That’s the post.


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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4 Responses

  1. Lowell says:

    But an excellent post in my humble opinion!

  2. Ted Kettler says:

    Short and sweet. To the point and no dilly-dallying. “Here’s an Ice cream cone, now go away”. I like it.

    So are you back on the bike riding around again or are you still doing the Vette Vagabond thing?

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      Hi Ted 🙂
      Oh, I’m definitely still riding. Just not in the groove of talking about it they way I used to. I’m trying to find my way back to it.

      Still doing car stuff also.

      Really, I’m just trying to do whatever the mood calls for. I’ve found being or doing only one thing, one way, or trying to squeeze myself into a strict persona doesn’t work. Too many rules, too many expectations smother the joy. Explore and be happy, however I get there, ya know?

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