Remote Posting While Traveling

In an effort to force myself to return to the world of the living, I am going to be taking a trip on my motorcycle in the near future.

This idea seemed like a good one at the moment that I pressed send on the announcement that I was taking vacation time at work. Shortly thereafter, I devolved into a panicky meltdown that might have included irrational crying and had me second, third and fourth guessing the choice to leave home. I’m still not convinced it’s a good idea but a little voice in the dark keeps telling me to go anyway.

I’m plagued by a nagging feeling that something terrible will happen if I don’t stay safely tucked away on my couch in front of the tv. Even typing those words makes some distant part of me ask myself: who the fuck are you?!

Other than going to work or to an appointment, I have had difficulty going out on my own over the last six months. I’ll be standing in the produce section of the grocery store, if I manage to drag myself there at all, feeling like if I don’t go home right then, something catastrophic will happen. What that thing is… I have no idea. But it’s something that can only be stopped by me being at home.

Welcome to the nuthouse. Enjoy your stay.

The intended point of this post was not to further express that I’ve lost my damn marbles, it was to contemplate whether I could comfortably post blogs from my phone while traveling. Could I eek out meandering diatribes on my iPhone – or do I need to bring my ‘puter along?

The biggest con to bringing my MacBook is that I’ll probably be riding the Bonnie, which doesn’t have lockable storage. That makes me hesitant to leave the bike unattended to wander around. I don’t like to leave anything on the bike I’m not willing to lose.

But having it along does have some pros. Being able to see and edit the photos I took with my camera keeps my mind busy when I stop for the night.

Plus posting photos from SmugMug, where I host my pics, is kind of a pain on a phone. But, no option is perfect. Which one is least terrible?

I’m thinking I’ll probably just use my phone. I wrote this post with it and look how fantastic it turned out. [/sarcasm]

Have you successfully blogged with a phone only?

‘It doesn’t happen all at once,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.

Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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26 Responses

  1. Danny says:

    Very cool post. Where are you heading?

  2. Fred PCDoc says:

    Very glad to see you return, I wasn’t aware of everything you were going through but I am happy to see you battled through it and you’re fighting to get back to the things you love. I don’t know where you plan on traveling to, but I’d recommend leaving the computer at home if you can’t lock it away on the bike. SmugMug has an app for the phone, and I’d imagine blogging should be pretty easy with it. your only problem is how much storage, and as you said, editing your pics, but those are minor annoyances compared to wasting all that time worrying about losing your computer.

  3. MarthaC says:

    My vote is to leave the MacBook behind and enjoy the freedom! The post is wonderful! It’s a joy to hear from you! Take care of yourself!

  4. I would not have known you posted from a phone. Visually it looks great. You can certainly process images with apps on the iPhone. And I suspect you’ll find a way to deal with hosting the pix, at least while on the road. So I wouldn’t drag the MacBook along.

    Writing the text — that seems a bigger pain. A wireless keyboard would fix that. But your posts aren’t long so perhaps pecking it out on the phone is tolerable. Or distracting when alone.

    Sorry to hear of your struggle. Hope you find a path that provides relief from the thoughts that haunt.

    As always, look forward to engaging the things you share.

  5. I neglected to answer your question about blogging with an iPhone. Since moving from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress site I’ve not attempted a post with the phone.

  6. Chris says:

    Glad to see you going out for a ride. Have fun!

  7. Mike Ross says:

    I’m sorry if my last comment on my depression was a bit…depressing. And thanks for inviting me to your nuthouse but I’ve been there for years so its not exclusive. So other than crippling anxiety, agoraphobia, a sense of dread and an obsession with rabbits how are you?

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      The nuthouse is crap. Sick of it. I wish I could just flip a switch and turn those feelings off.

      Well, I’m still here. I guess that counts for something, right?

      I’m better than I was but not where I want to be. Yet.

      • Mike Ross says:

        I hesitate to give you advice but I will anyway because I care. From my own experience, at some point very recently I got tired of making myself miserable for so long and decided not to fight the bad feelings anymore.

        Also, at 100mph on curvy roads things seem a lot clearer. Ride safe!

  8. Rosie says:

    I so love that excerpt from The Velveteen Rabbit
    You should definitely go, it would be good to change your scenery for a little while. Planning some routes (or not ) would give your mind something else to think about. Even though you may have second thoughts about going you probably won’t feel any better if you stay so just go. Pack your stuff, get on the bike and go. You can always turn around after a few miles if you don’t feel right about it, but I have a feeling you’re gonna keep going. I’ll be looking forward to your posts!

  9. Steel says:

    I appreciate your post. Very much.

  10. Jamie W. says:

    I’m sure plenty in the group would love for you to meander down to Fredericksburg next Saturday. It wouldn’t be hard to smuggle you into the awards banquet. And if you laugh at their stupid jokes, they wouldn’t dare kick you out. Great post, as always. The older I get, the more I appreciate quotes like that one.

  11. Catfish says:

    Hey Fuzz!
    I had no idea you were having issues.
    Let me know if I can be of any help.
    Wanna ride passenger in the hack?
    The produce department wont seem so bad after that.

    Seriously, if there’s anything I can do just let me know.

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      Thanks, Catfish. You of all people should know I have issues 😉

      Hopefully I’ll start getting it together soon. Maybe in time for ugly Christmas sweater night at Friday’s at the rate I’m going.

  12. Minna says:

    I think you just need to go and not be worrying about the blog. Take photos. The words will come later if you want to blog about it. Helmet time and two wheel therapy is what works for me. I’m sure there is something bizarre in the atmosphere as I have never felt this blue before. And I share your feeling of something catastrophic will happen. I just have to motor on. What happens, well it happens. Hugs to you from the Green Mountains! You can do this.

  13. Frank Susca says:

    I’m not going to tell you what to’re capable and should make your next step on your own, and it’ll be the right choice, for *your**self*, not us, your fans with common interests.
    Be confident, it brings a form of positivity and..happiness!
    You know, riding is a discipline that requires focus and awareness. Take some time to work off any rustiness in the skills department, and think if the scenery and different environments you get to *enjoy* and absorb as a rider.
    You haven’t lost the writing/communication abilities, that’s obvious, so I’ll wait for the next post.
    All the best, from a longtime “fan”!

  14. Frank Susca says:

    I’m not going to tell you what to’re capable and should make your next step on your own, and it’ll be the right choice, for *your**self*, not us, your fans with common interests.
    Be confident, it brings a form of positivity and..happiness!
    You know, riding is a discipline that requires focus and awareness. Take some time to work off any rustiness in the skills department, and think if the scenery and different environments you get to *enjoy* and absorb as a rider.
    You haven’t lost the writing/communication abilities, that’s obvious, so I’ll wait for the next post.
    All the best

  15. Warren says:

    I am wondering about blogging sans keyboard myself. I leave next week on a month trip and am taking my tablet but no keyboard. Some people seem to use voice to text but I always rewrite everything so many times. Hmm, maybe I should try fit it all in my carry on bag after all.
    Look forward to reading more from your ride.

  16. I hesitate to use your first name to allow you the anonymity using FuzzyGalore. That being said… I totally relate to your experience. I missed your posts for the time you were away. Welcome back.

    I use the WordPress mobile app to post when I’m unable to do it from my ‘puter.

    Just take your time. Let posting be therapeutic for you. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. You’re not alone! I love that quote, “No man is an island.”

    Thanks for sharing!

  17. Ted says:

    Where you are… Be. Where you are not, you cannot be. Be where you are.

  18. Ted says:

    ….and by the way, although a long time Harley loyalist, you got me lovin’ on the Bonnie.

  19. Kathy says:

    A ride will be very good medicine, I think. Leave the ‘puter at home. I am not able to post with my phone, but I don’t usually worry about it too much. But then, I’m a slacker. I hope your ride makes your heart sing!

  20. Connie says:

    What about K riding with you for awhile when you decide to go, once you get your motorcycle legs back, you will be fine. I always get the jitters after winter months, this doesn’t seem any different. You are a great rider, confident and experienced. I have FB lite on my phone, I can’t read the whole blog on it, but I also take my tablet when I travel. I think posting on just your phone, share to FB and Instagram, we will all be with you

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