Whispering Giants Grand Tour: Enishkeetompauog and Enisketomp

On Saturday morning, I rolled Kenny’s Tiger out of the garage and set off for the Orient Ferry on the east end of the Island. My Tiger is in need of a new chain and sprockets. It’s nice to have a “spare” around for just such an occasion. 🙂

The Orient Ferry drops you off in New London, Connecticut on the other side of the Long Island Sound. From there it’s a hop, skip and a jump to visit Enishkeetompauog, the Whispering Giant in Narragansett, Rhode Island.

visiting the rhode island whispering giant

Enishkeetompauog is in good shape considering his age. He was dedicated in 1982. Apparently this statue is stained. I’m not sure that’s common among the other Whispering Giants.

Enishkeetompauog whispering giant Narragansett Rhode Island

While I was standing around checking him out, I became fixated on some type of cocoon or grody to the max egg sack lodged in his right nostril. Poor guy. He’s gonna have a mug full of creepy crawlies pretty soon.

It was before noon when I wrapped up my visit with the big man. My original plan was only to visit the Rhode Island giant but since I didn’t need to be home for any particular reason I zipped over to Plymouth, Massachusetts to see Enisketomp. You know, while I was in the neighborhood.

Enisketomp whispering Giant Plymouth Mass

Enisketomp stands about 30 feet tall to the top of his feathers. He is wonderful. A pair of long braids drape down along the side of his face. I’m so bummed that due to the time of day I visited, he was really backlit. I couldn’t manage to get a great photo of his whole visage. You’ll have to Google him, he’s great to look at.

Enisketomp in Plymouth Mass

So these two fellas make 3 Whispering Giants visited for me. I’m thinking my next stop with either be Williamsport, PA or Laconia, NH. Maybe I’ll flip a coin to see who wins: Chief Woapalanee or Keewakwa Abenaki Keenahbeh.

Other Posts about Whispering Giants



Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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3 Responses

  1. MarthaC says:

    “…some type of cocoon or grody to the max egg sack lodged in his right nostril.” I’m not sure why, but I giggle like some immature school girl when I read that line. So, of course, I have to go back and read it a few more times. I’m so glad that Spring has sprung and you’re able to get back out there! Stay safe!

  2. curvyroads says:

    I so love the idea of the whispering Giants tour. Need to look into that now that we are retired.

    We did just hit our third “high point” yesterday, At Mt Magazine in Arkansas. We have been to the one in Georgia, and hit the one in West Virginia last October. Apparently there are a lot of highpointers out there, based on the stickers and sign in sheet we saw at Mt Magazine!

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