Fatbike on the Beach at Fire Island
As imperfect as Long Island is for riding a motorcycle, it as equally as perfect for beach riding a fatbike. Go figure.
The first “long” ride I took with Lord Chubbleton was on Fire Island. What started with a casual ride along the shoreline, turned into a 20 mile roll.
Now, I know in the grand scheme of bicycle rides 20 isn’t very long. But for my inexperienced legs in the sand? It was.
George and I rode east from Robert Moses along the beach, chit-chatting away. Before we knew it 10 miles had passed.
In the interest of different scenery, we left the beach and headed into the towns.
There are no paved roads on Fire Island. There is nothing but sand.
And deer.
This sweet little baby was unfazed by me as I rode closer and closer. I stopped and took out my phone and it didn’t even flinch. How wonderful and terrible.
They’re just so cute. I want to hug one.