Santa rides a… V-Strom? And Ural? And a Ducati? And…

…a Kawasaki and a Moto Guzzi and motard… and.. 🙂

Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without our Santa Ride. It has fast become one of our most looked-foward-to traditions.

This year Kenny was our lone elf. Weirdo.

Long Island Santa Ride

My friend George turned up on his V-Strom totally decked out like a reindeer. Is that cute or what?!

reindeer vstrom

While we were hanging around waiting to see who would turn up, passers by stopped to take our picture and we got lots of honks and waves before we even set off.

long island santa ride

Just as in years past, the reward for riding around dressed like Santa is how happy and excited the people on the roads are to see you. Making people smile in spite of themselves? Priceless.

Hope you had a very merry Christmas!


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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4 Responses

  1. Kathy says:

    Awesome! Please tell George I love his reindeer!

  2. VStarLady says:

    Fuzzy – you may be onto something here to increase visibility. Forget the hi-viz gear, wear a Santa suit all year and finally people might see you on a motorcycle.
    Loved the ride, thanks for sharing and bringing a smile to all.

  3. GLantern says:

    As always the best ride of the year! George and his vstrom was a really impressive setup.

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