A Little Thumper Sunset Therapy
Yesterday I took the Husky out for a cruise to help clear the cobwebs away from my mind. With each thump of her little heart my mood brightened.
Sure, I know it doesn’t exactly excel at riding around on the street. But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun to use it for that anyway. There is just something about the bikes personality, its sound that I love so much. She’s a sexy beast.
I was already on my way back home when the sky just seemed to have a special look to it. Though home was to the left, I made a right and headed for the water. I had a feeling that the sunset was going to be a doozy.
As it turned out, I was right.
I love the sunset. There does seem to be something therapeutic about an evening ride.
Gorgeous picture Fuzzy!
Mother Nature must agree with your riding.
That’s gorgeous! Great shot!
Wow! Beautiful!!
I’d say that would clear the cobwebs
Nice one!
That’s certainly a doozy. Good capture.
That’s a great picture fuzzy! I’m with you on the thumper rides! I have a DRZ400E that I ride on and off road and I love it! I keep her under 55mph cause those knobbies get kind of wobbly at higher speeds but it’s loads of fun, very snappy and responsive. I’ve always loved the Husqvarnas, though I’ve never owned one.
I went from the DRZ to the Husky so I know what you mean about higher speeds on it. You can really get that rear end shimmying when you ring that thing all the way out on knobs on the street 😆