A Handful of Murals Spotted in Pennsylvania
While riding around central Pennyslvania last weekend, I saw quite a few painted murals. They’re one of my favorite things to spot when passing through smaller towns.
The town of Jersey Shore had a lovely Veterans Park. It was beautifully manicured and featured a prominent mural.
After nearly being hit by Mr. Magoo behind the wheel of a car, I spotted a cute bee painted on the side of Drabee’s in the wonderfully named town of Roulette, Pennsylvania.
I’ve heard the town pronounced as “cowders-port” by a Pennsylvanian but my brain can’t get on board with that. I always read Coudersport as “cooders-port.” Whichever way you say it, they’ve got a nice mural in their town on the corner of 3rd and Main.
The next two were both in the town of Milton, Pa. This trompe l’oeil scene was especially eye-catching and vibrant.
This mural celebrates the local Capitol theater which was lost to fire in the 1970’s.
Murals such as these are great calling cards to tell you about what a town is famous for or is proud of. They seem to help keep a neighborhood feel alive. More peace, more love, more art.
Actually, it’s a Pa Dutch thing… Take cowders and colders and mash them together with a baritone octave deep in your throat and that’s what it sounds like.
i’m going to have to ask you to say it for me when i see you next 🙂