Evening Thoughts About Bravery
Is bravery one of those things that can only be viewed and interpreted by someone else’s lens?
Girlie Motorcycle & Road Trip Blog
Full tank. Wandering heart.
Is bravery one of those things that can only be viewed and interpreted by someone else’s lens?
Yes, it is. We shouldn’t refer to ourselves as brave; that’s for others to decide.
We can be fearless and curious …adventurous, even. But others will define us as brave…or not.
Agree. I was thinking of the reverse – declaring ourselves as NOT brave, but the premise is the same.
What’s wrong with acknowledging our own attributes? Why would or should we be judged only by others? Should we not have enough self-awareness and objectivity to say, “Hey, I’m being a jerk” or “Gee, I feel pretty good about that'”? And whose judgments will we acknowledge and whose will we not, and why? Naw, make your own calls and of course be open to the input of others but not dependent on them. Now would somebody help me down from this soapbox, please?
Well said. While we might not always be objective when it comes to self assessment, we can certainly recognize in ourselves those times we stepped outside our comfort zones and pushed to do/try/say something. To me, that can be defined as courage. Bob
What’s wrong with acknowledging our own attributes? Why would or should we be judged only by others?
We aren’t. We self-judge all the time 🙂
Bravery feels different to me – like an exceptional act. It seemed odd or misplaced whenever someone has said to me that I was brave while doing something. To me – it’s absurd. I’m not brave at all. But to them… i guess i was. I suppose neither point of view is right or wrong, just relative.
Bravery is defined by the generation your living in. In my Father’s day being a WWll vet made you brave. In today’s world the standards seem much lower. We can self asses ourselves to be brave for overcoming our own fears and acheaving our goals, but for the same reason not everyone deserves a trophy not every action should be defined as “bravery” just to make us feel better. Me, I just ride my motorcycle….It makes everything better 😉
We all struggle. We all have personal demons to wrestle with. Summoning courage to overcome our obstacles is bravery but is rarely visible or acknowledged. In fact, when others say we’re “brave” that comment is usually not about us, it refers to the speaker and says we’re doing something they can’t do.
I empathize with all who struggle. For example, my heart used to break when I saw my mother during most of my childhood in teary sadness over her weight; she perceived herself as fat (even though she was within the range of normal size), went on endless diets and obsessed over her appearance. Once in a while, she’d dress up fancy for a party and go out into public. That, for her, was a true act of bravery and I respect it as such.
Hmm, deep thoughts.
I think that we set our own standards for what is brave, what is normal, what is exceptional, etc.
Give yourself credit more often. What you do on a regular basis would be considered brave by many…it’s a shame you don’t think so.
Sorry for the 2nd soapbox in one post!
I think bravery is subjective, because what some would call brave others would call foolish. So I think in terms of bravery it is something we apply to ourselves and it may just come down to comfort level when doing things.
Bravery is different than courage. The essence of courage is not the feeling of being capable of overcoming what’s one is faced with, but the willful choice to fight regardless of the consequences. Yep.
Bravery is a subjective concept. For an agoraphobic, walking to the street corner may require reserves of personal courage unmatched in human history, even as the most timid people alive today saunter past without a care in the world. If you have no sense of your own mortality, how brave are you as you rail up a blind twisty canyon road, unknowingly trusting your continued existence to the fickle finger of fate alone? If you have no imagination then you won’t be able to picture in your mind’s eye all the ways that what you are about to do mighty go wrong, and therefore they cannot assail your waking nightmares or require you to somehow push through them in order to be able to proceed as planned?
In a week when yet another Irish road racer has lost his life, this first episode of a BBC Northern Ireland show is a study in extreme bravery, the only reward for which appears to be the same adrenaline rush that people who once upon a time fought to the death for fun experienced every time they survived a skirmish. And that rush is so powerful, so all consuming, that they simply cannot walk away from their next fix…
No … I think you are probably aware of what scares the bejesus out of you … doing it when you know you have to despite fear = bravery.