Big Ducks, Hot Jugs, Frozen Fingers and a Ural

When I got up and let the dog out this morning, it didn’t seem especially cold out. So, after having two cups o’ joe, I decided to suit up and ride over to the post office.

For some reason, the expression “haulin’ the mail” was stuck in my head all morning. I don’t know why that happens. It’s like you wake up with your brain in sponge-mode and it’s just dying for something to get lodged in there. You just never know what that something will be.

So with haulin’ the mail lyrically dancing through my mind over and over, going to get the actual mail seemed like as good a plan as any.

fuzzygalore christmas greeting

And wouldn’t you know it? One of my holiday greetings was a picture card of my friend riding at Deal’s Gap in the same way people send pictures of their kids – only not involving awful plaid outfits. Right on, ride on!

Since I was already out, I continued on to the big duck to pick up the ADVRider Tag-o-Rama tag. You know how much I love that silly duck. Unfortunately, I opted to wear my regular winter gloves versus my Gerbing gloves because I’m a moron. In the 60 mile round trip it hovered around 30 degrees and I had to pull over several times to let my frozen digits warm up next to the Ural’s big jugs. It’s just so dumb. I’ve got heated gloves, for cryin’ out loud!

Even though my fingers were aching from the cold, it felt great to be out. I’m on vacation until the New Year and it seemed like the perfect way to christen my time off.

the Robot Fuzzygalore

I am robot Fuzzygalore. I do her bidding. ::beep:beep:boop:boop::

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4 Responses

  1. Trobairitz says:

    Enjoy that vacation. Hopefully you’ll get a few more chances to ride in there. We might if the rain and flooding stop.

    What a great Christmas card, I like the idea of bikes on it.

  2. Anthony says:

    Have a great Christmas … hope the new year brings wonderful things for you and the blog!

  3. Joe Popp says:

    My new bike is right near this big duck! Hopefully I will get to this place soon.

  1. December 21, 2014

    […] Big Ducks, Hot Jugs, Frozen Fingers and a Ural […]

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