Say Hello to the Sexy People: Putting Some Faces to Names

Sort of. 🙂

We communicate with each other on a frequent basis here, albeit kind of anonymously. I like to think of us as you know – a little community. No blog can exist without its cast of supporting characters to keep things interesting. The life of a post doesn’t stop when it’s published.  It’s you the readers who breathe life into topics with your wit, quips and anecdotes. This is just a little shout out to some of my motorcycle friends and the frequent commenters here on FG.

The Supporting Cast

  • Crudmop: Former beer guzzling frat boy turned impatient motorcyclist. Blondie here is too pretty for his own good. Has a vicious hate of fender breaking disc locks and squids in white sneakers. Thinks everyone is a douchebag.
  • Novos: Conspiracy theorist who is convinced that the utility company is watching him through his thermostat. Able to take photos, knit a sweater and do long division on an abacus all while riding his motorcycle.
  • OG: Currently building a margarine powered full scale working model of a lunar lander in his basement. Might have a touch of the “Charlie Brown” but that’s part of his charm.
  • Duc748: Deep thinker. Could write a 35 page dissertation on the weight savings benefits of riding your motorcycle sans undergarments. An accomplished mime and comes with his own leather thong!
  • Pimmie: The Dutch Menace. Former captain of his high school’s downhill clog-sledding team. He can make fun of you in 5 languages after he stuffs you in a corner. Don’t ask him about the “oven”.
  • Soth: The best thing outta Brooklyn since the BK Broiler. He’s probably ridden his RC to Saskatchewan and back for a grilled cheese before you even had your first mocha-choca-latte of the day.

Without Further Ado

It’s always nice to put a face or in this case helmet to those internet nicknames we become familiar with. As motorcyclists with our faces covered all of the time our helmets become our calling cards. They become the face that we show to the world and how we most often see each other. Here are a few motorcycle faces I’ve met so far. I’m looking forward to meeting some more of you and getting a few more helmet shots. See you on the road!














Oh and hey! While we’re putting faces to names – If you haven’t already, why not mosey on over to and get one of those fancy little comment avatars of your own?

Every time that I read the word gravatar I immediately think of Grover. Grovertar.  Everyone using the many faces of Grover. Definitely a better idea, right? No? Fine. 😛


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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5 Responses

  1. fuzzygalore says:

    Say Hello to the Sexy People: Putting Some Faces to Names: Sort of.
    We communicate with each other..

  2. DUC748 says:

    Is THAT what the front of Pimmie’s helmet looks like??? 😉

    I could say the same of Fuzz…I swear she packs a black top hat in her luggage the way she makes herself disappear.

    That wasn’t a WV reference. But could be. HAHAHAHAHA

    Thanks for the shout out Fuzz. 🙂

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      😀 I will never live that down!

      Pimmie is so funny. On our way to Kentucky, we were standing in some gas station and he said something to me like – “oh the pace is very nice, the roads are good…” you know, making polite small talk. Then the next day when we stepped out on a day ride in Kentucky and he showed his true colors – I was thinking.. Okay, he TOTALLY humored me, damnit! There was NO WAY he could have enjoyed my pace LOL 😀 He probably rides my pace in his sleep!

      P. is such an awesome rider <3

  3. soth says:

    Wow, thanks for the shout Fuzz, I’m completely and totally flattered! To think that you’ve been my inspiration and secret mentor for a lot things, most especially starting my blog… now my world is upside down, I’m speechless…

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      We all learn something from each other.

      Its the give and take of experience and information that I really appreciate. I love reading personal blogs like your because it about showing a part of someone individually adds to the mix rather than just regurgitating industry news. Forging a friendship on top of that is icing on the cake 🙂

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