The Dreaded Motorcycle Trip Hangover

fuzzygalore albula pass

It has been 2 going on 3 weeks since we’ve returned from the Alps. Just this past weekend we were away riding as well. As a result, all week long I have been in a bit of a funk. I think it’s a trip hangover.

The work week has been absolutely dragging like a boat anchor around my neck. Every hour, every minute I sit in my office chair feels like a meaningless eternity. I’m scared that I’m wishing time away by looking forward to the next great thing.

Because the last few weeks have been so fun I feel like I’m losing sight of the greatness that happens day to day. I need to regain a better perspective before I go off the edge completely.

Does this ever happen to you?


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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10 Responses

  1. John says:

    Sure it does (did) I have distant memories of exactly that feeling. look at it this way, if you’re that down because a trip is behind you, it must have been a heck of a high. I’d be grateful of the chance to have a post trip hangover right now. Been on the wagon way too long and there’s nothing but dreams on the horizon just now.

  2. Mel says:

    Hello Fuzzy,
    Yes, my Motorcycle Trip Hangover is 4 weeks and counting. Husband and I toured the US Eastern Seaboard (Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, Blueridge Parkway etc…) back in mid August and we are already planning our next “Big Trip”. Researching routes, potential new motorcycles, TFSA accounts are already started to fund the trip. That’s how we stave off the Motorcycle Trip Hangover.

  3. Kathy says:

    Sadly, yes. Time travels so quickly while vacationing. The post-vacation funk is always a challenge. Contemplating the next big thing always helps, but it does tend to make days drag. Hang in there, we know you’re grateful, but you’re also normal. Relatively speaking, of course.

  4. RichardM says:

    “greatness that happens day to day”

    You obviously don’t work at the same place I do…
    On one long trip I didn’t want to head home at the end of the trip since I knew what was coming. Monday. I think that you are more “normal” than most.

    • Kevin says:

      I find that it helps if you don’t come home on a Sunday. Coming home on a Friday or Saturday gives you a day or two to relax so the transition is easier and Monday isn’t so unbearable.

  5. This happens to me pretty much every time I ride a motorcycle for more than a couple hours, especially at freeway speeds. Like an alcohol hangover, it’s rooted in dehydration. Being in the wind sucks the water right out of my body, and the physiological stress of that can’t be underestimated. The result is often a mild depression and severe lack of motivation. I’ve learned to recognize the feeling and address it with water rather than worrying that there’s something else wrong.

    What’s annoying is that it takes a lot of water intake, for me anyway, to restore that equilibrium. I’ve got to go through about a gallon of water over the course of a day in order for my body to actually absorb enough of it to restore a proper amount of hydration. That then brings about its own problems. I end up having to do electrolyte replacements as well because between the initial dehydration and the upped water intake, I’m now low on potassium and sodium.

    I’ve found the quickest way out of it is some ibuprofen, some Gatorade, lots of water and a multi-vitamin. Stay close to the bathroom, and keep in mind that even though you’ll have to go every 20 minutes, you’ll need to keep drinking because only so much of your intake is actually being retained. Then counter-intuitively, you’ll also shed any non-useful water retention that might make your belt feel a little tight or the scale be a little more generous than usual.

    You’re not alone. Hope that helps. The big thing is to try to push your water intake as much as possible while you’re on the ride. That will help head this off. On the other side of it, if the dehydration continues, is nausea, dizziness and even digestive “distress.”

  6. Andrew says:

    Yeah I get that…but at the moment I’m staring down a few more weeks of week before a couple of riding trips…time is passing soooo slowly!

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