Tagged: tiger


The Kindness of Strangers: For Good Luck

While Kenny and I were standing outside of the dealer doing the final walk-around of the bikes, a man who was also a customer walked over to my bike. In his hand he held...


Well Hey There, Tiger – Welcome to the Family

Does it get on your nerves when your other half thinks that they know what’s best for you? Well, then you probably aren’t in a relationship with Kenny. Say hello to my new girl: 2011 Triumph...


California Love: It’s Time to Hit the Road

If there were roosters in San Fancisco, I’m sure I would’ve woke them up while making my morning coffee. I was up long before the sun rubbed the sleep out of it’s eyes. By...


Moto Photo: Triple Inside

I found this old Triple Inside patch while cleaning our the “junk” drawer in our kitchen this morning. I think the right thing to do would be to honor it’s seredipitous finding with a...