Category: Motorcycle


Owl See You Around

Over the years, I have been asked many times how I find the funky, weird, and cool stuff I’ve posted about. My Google Map is full of pins or things that I’ve seen online...


Riding into Sunflower Season

Here on Long Island, the eastern end of the land is split into two forks – the north and south, with each offering it’s own flavor. I live on the north shore and tend...


Thankfully, a Break in the Heat

After a stretch of oppressive heat and humidity here on Long Island, the past week has been a much welcomed change. We’ve been enjoying a break with cooler temps and thankfully lower humidity. Seeing...


Replacing my Shark with a Shark

After five years of hittin’ the road together, it was time to replace my long in the tooth Shark Evoline helmet. We’d been a lot of great places together, seen myriad interesting things, but...


Big Legs and the Janey Waney

The first time that I ever saw Legs, the Larry Rivers piece found on a private home in Sag Harbor, we’d passed it by chance on our way out to Montauk back in 2012....


Rest Easy, AntiHero – Dennis Matson

For a couple years in the 20-teens, it seemed like you couldn’t go anywhere in the online motorcycling community and not stumble across images of Dennis Matson (also known as “AntiHero”) on blogs and...


Epic Ghost Sign Photo Post

Take a stroll through a downtown, and you might just find yourself transported to another era by the faded letters and graphics of a ghost sign. These vintage advertisements, often painted directly onto brick...