10 Steps of Roadtripping with Fuzzygalore

When I awoke in the morning, the sun was not yet up. I laid there in the silence thinking about my surroundings and the leap of faith that brought me there. You see, before I left home I had something of a self-induced emotional crisis that nearly made me stay home. Again.

This is my 10-step routine to road tripping:

Step 1: Imagination is left unchecked, come up with a brilliant idea, get crazy excited.
Step 2: Start putting a plan to set off in motion.
Step 3: Allow a pinch of doubt to creep in, jussssst enough to make sure that I dot my I’s and cross my T’s.
Step 4: Open the floodgates of guilt and dash my plans against the rocks of uncertainty until I am paralyzed by inaction.
Step 5: Crush self under the weight of indecision.
Step 6: Come to the understanding that I am the worst human on Earth.
Step 7: Confirm with family 247 times that they really don’t mind if I leave.
Step 8: Abandon ship, I’ll just stay home. I have lots of cleaning to do.
Step 9: Go anyway.
Step 10: Wonder why I put myself through the torture.


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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12 Responses

  1. Mike Ross says:

    Sometimes after a short break for a drink or stretch you get back on the bike and that feeling of just how awesome it is reminds you of why.

  2. Danny says:

    Wonderful list. Funny and pretty much accurate. Nice.

  3. Shybiker says:

    Wow, what a tortured process you endure. I’m sorry to hear it. The only good thing is you ultimately make the right choice to go. Many are cowardly and succumb to their fears. I hope repetition has helped you ease some of the anguish you experience with this.

  4. Jim says:

    Thanks for sharing the guilt trip. Yet you prevailed. Isn’t that we all struggle to do. Prevail.
    Daily, weekly, monthly and on. Although more than a day can be enough.
    We need to get our knees in the breeze. The rest will follow.

  5. Scott Correy says:

    I just went through this, thought it was just me. Ended up having a fantastic trip after all once I got beyond the guilt phase.

  6. At least you go. My list is shorter — 1,2,4,8 and then a new step — Don’t ever get out of my head and just stay home. This mostly applies to long rides and not the little day trips I survive on. I think we’re codependent…

  7. KHickok says:

    Wonderful! You sound like me.

  8. Kathy says:

    I miss your posts, and your absence has me worried. Please check in soon.

  9. Mike says:

    I agree with Kathy, I hope everything is alright and you’re having too much fun to post. Its been a while…

  10. Gaurav says:

    Indeed! the best steps you put in a creative way 🙂

  11. Mark H says:

    Just hang on in there and like the man said, get those knees into the breeze whenever you can 🙂 x

  12. Connie Moore says:

    Fuzzy, where are U? Not on Instagram either. We miss your adventure’s, I can understand leaving all this electronic stuff for a while, I have great plans to post my rides, but somehow I never seem to get it done. I also worry that what I find inspiring and unique, doesn’t interest someone else. Ride your ride and enjoy the views. Miss U.

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