Cubanola Cigar Ghost Ad – Radford, Virginia
The town of Radford, Virginia had a 1-2 punch of beautiful ghost ads. There was the Wine of Cardui, R. S. Carson Druggist and Cubanola Cigar combo. And then there was this.
Hello, gorgeous!
Cubanola 5¢ Cigars – All Havana Filler
I don’t know anything about tobacco and it’s history. I don’t smoke. But, I sure do have an affinity for its olde tyme advertising.
While looking up Cubanola, one of the pages I found was a history of cigars, and the packaging tins. Some of the tins were just wonderful. Give that a look-see.
Keen Kutter Kuttlery & L.W. Clark Jeweler & Optician
That IS pretty awesome. And the green on the building makes it look like it’s in Cuba, based only on what I imagine Cuba might look like.
I can’t unsee the face on the green building 😉