Deciding the Path of my Journey


It’s the dark hours of Friday morning and I’ve been up all night again. Sometimes I have so much swirling around in my brain that it won’t let me sleep. These times can be terrible but all that built up pressure can also create a diamond.

There is a lot of time that gets wasted beating myself up over my shortcomings. Sometimes I need a little reminder that I’ve come a long way. Though someone else might look at the journey that I am on and make a value judgement belittling it, it is mine and mine alone. It is okay to be proud of it.

If I never had anyone to compare myself to or someone else to tell me what I’m doing is stupid, how would I feel about the choices I make? That’s kind of what I think I need to work on. Turning inward, being true to myself and listening to that little hopeful voice that has carried me through the darkest moments. Even when someone else props you up, it is still you that decides to get on with life.

Recently someone told me that ordinary people can do extraordinary things, that most people underestimate their own abilities. I believe it.

1. with no special or distinctive features; normal.

1. very unusual or remarkable.

The choice is yours.



Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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9 Responses

  1. bob says:

    Does the badge on the other side of the tank say “Self Doubt”? Bob

  2. Lesle says:

    I hear you loudly

  3. Our greatest challenges are between our ears…

  4. Lisa Brouwer says:

    Oh yes… I’ve had those sleepless nights where I question my direction. I question the choices I’ve made. Shortcomings are amplified in the dark. The people who notice the spark we carry while it’s dark and remind us of that spark – we need to start believing them. Because believing them means we believe ourselves. Don’t stop believin’…

  5. Meaghan says:

    How is it said? “It’s always darkest before the dawn”. Night time thinking always leads to too much introspection. You are extraordinary through what you share on here.

  6. Shybiker says:

    You’re right — we control our destiny through the choices we make. You should be proud of your life; you created it. You have the respect and admiration of many, including me.

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