The Motorcycle Blog That Wasn’t About Motorcycles But Was

Lately while reading books, I’ve taken to scribbling down lines or passages that jump off of the page at me. Sometimes I’ll come across a real zinger that speaks to my heart and I have to put it in a place that I’ll remember it.

Have you ever picked up a book at a yard sale or a thrift shop and there were lines highlighted within the book? How can you remember which book to look in for the line? That wouldn’t work for me, to have to flip back through the actual pages for a single sentence. I find jotting it down in my notebook much more meaningful. It’s better have all of those ideas from different sources all in one place.

There seems to be a running theme with what calls to me to write it down. It is often messages about love, about time, the “real” meaning of life and about travel.

Just recently Adrian at YouMotorcycle mentioned in a post that my blog isn’t necessarily motorcycle-intensive. In some sense that is true. You won’t find nuts and bolts here or tips on fixing things here. No, this blog? This blog is about love, time, life and travel… on motorcycles. Everything that evolves on these posts comes from the thinking that happens on, about or around motorcycles. These posts all stem from the living done in that space.

I do all my best thinkin’ in the saddle. If you’re reading this, something tells me that you do to. You get get that.

the road goes on forever


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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4 Responses

  1. Anthony says:

    I get it too!! I think there’s some amazing connection between my brain and my bike that just doesn’t occur any other time!

  2. Raindog says:

    This is precisely what I love about your blog, Fuzzy. I only wish I’d happened upon it sooner (my life would have been closer to complete years ago).

    The web is thick with bike blogs, places for the gear-head in each of us, but sadly there are too few sites about motorcycling itself. And isn’t life less about what you have than what you do with it, less about the equipment you possess than where it takes you physically AND spiritually?

    Motorcycling is a perfect drug: It regularly promotes a meditative state, and (sometimes short of a slightly lighter pocketbook) it has few if any nasty side effects.

  3. DT says:

    Yes, what Raindog just said. I’m not always shopping for a new bike, so while I still enjoy the reviews and such elsewhere sometimes, what I’m really interested in reading about is motorcycling itself and the adventures and experiences of the motorcyclist!

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