The Perks of Being Part of a Motorcycle “Couple”

Many people who are part of a couple in which both people ride their own motorcycles like to wax poetic about how it’s so great to be able to ride with the person you love most, your best friend, blah blah blah…

Get real. The best part of being in a motorcycle couple is being able to ride each other’s bikes! 😉

Kennys CL 350

Kenny sent me out on his CL today to just run some gas through it. Now that’s the kind of “honey do” list I like!


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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10 Responses

  1. wendyvee says:

    ‘Tis true … that would be a good perk. I would have to dump the “Mr” and date Peter Dinklage to achieve the same benefit 🙂

  2. Trobairitz says:


    Troubadour keeps trying to trade bikes and let me ride his tiger, but I have been too chicken thus far.

  3. Dar/Princess Scooterpie says:

    Agreed! My hubs has let me ride his 750, but only when I am with him. The darn thing is too heavy to get out of the garage on my own, probably lucky for him or we would be tootling around town. Sweet little bike he has there!

  4. Shybiker says:

    What a beautiful machine. That’s something that deserves to be admired in a museum. Wow.

  5. RichardM says:

    That is a beautiful bike! More pictures please…

  6. carolyn says:

    Awww, I’m jealous! My husband is 6’4″ and rides huge motorcycles that I would need a ladder to climb onto. 😀

    That is one gorgeous motorcycle. I should start buying Peter bikes that I want to ride. 😉

  7. Very cool. It looks very much like something you’d ride, especially with the rhinestone-studded muffler!

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