A Few Short Hours in Innsbruck, Austria

RumerHof Hotel Rum AustriaAfter a long day in the saddle we pulled in to the city of Innsbruck around dinner time. We found a nice,  inexpensive hotel on the outskirts in the town of Rum. We got cleaned up and went for dinner in the hotel’s restaurant. By the time we finished up, the sun had set and what was left of our evening was quickly ticking by.

We hopped in to a taxi and went into the old part of Innsbruck. Because our vacation was a riding vacation, we left home with no plans to spend time sightseeing or city touring. The fact that we were in Innsbruck at all was icing on the cake for me. So when the cab dropped us off, we did what we would do on the bikes and just wandered.

Cathedral Square Innsbruck Helblinghaus Innsbruck Austria The Golden Roof Innsbruck Austria

I’ve said it so many times before but, it really is the little moments that stay with you. We sat in the cathedral square talking and taking in the powerful façade of the Dom zu St. Jakob. We three just sat on a bench talking about history and the nature of people.  There were no city sounds – no traffic, no sirens, cars, no honking. As I sit here on my deck writing this, I can still feel the cool air of that night around me like an embrace. It was one of those perfect moments that I didn’t fully grasp the value of until it was long since gone.

Dom zu St. Jakob Innsbruck Austria

Given the late hour, everything but a few cafes in the old part of the city was closed. It was very interesting to walk around with the feeling that you’ve basically got the place to yourself. There was no hustle and no bustle, it was just us walking.

Being in that old place immediately filled me with a sense of romanticism. It was made up of nothing more than a group of lifeless buildings just like every other city the world over, but… it felt different than home. It felt faraway and special.

We walked to Maria-Theresia Strasse and had coffee in an outdoor café. When the waitress informed us they were out of apple strudel, it was like a dagger in my heart. Can you believe that? I missed my golden opportunity for strudel in Austria. I did have some manner of schnitzel for dinner though, so we’ll call it a draw this time.

So there we were – me, the love of my life and our dear friend.  We were a man and a woman from New York, having coffee with a Dutchman in Innsbruck, Austria. All because of motorcycles. I think that’s pretty cool. It’s in those moments I can really feel just how awesome my life is.

Cafe in Innsbruck Austria

Innsbruck Golden Roof WangRight outside of one of the most famous buildings in the city, the Golden Roof – there are 2… um… things… on the sidewalk. Yes, the Golden Roof is lovely and historical and all of that, but these just struck me so funny. While other people were nodding thoughtfully and taking photos of the building, we were giggling like schoolgirls over the sidewalk wangs.

I still have no idea what they were for but I think it’s probably best not to let the imagination wander too far on this topic.

Austria - Home of KTM! Austrian building is shocked by what it sees! Hadid Nordpark Cable Rail Station Innsbruck Austria
Hadid Bridge Rail Station A Bacon Store! Innsbruck Austria

It was around midnight when we grabbed a taxi back to our hotel. Our little walk through town was just too short. In many ways it pains me that I was in this lovely, fairytale place so worthy of exploring, yet we had no time to do just that. I can only hope that life will steer me there again some time down the road.

In the meantime, we had more riding to do.


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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12 Responses

  1. SonjaM says:

    There’s never enough time… so many things to see and to, so many miles to ride. Another good reason to come back one day 😉

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      You’re so right, Sonja. There just isn’t enough time to squeeze everything you want to do in. I guess it keeps you hungry for more though. I would love to go back someday and just do some city touring. And then keep going and going and going…. 🙂

  2. pimmie says:

    Next trip, 2 weeks… :))

  3. DUC748 says:

    Would your “wang” be something to tie the pooch to when you’re shopping?

    No pictures of Kenny having a sit down on it or does he only jump for Ft. Gay photo ops? 😉

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      Hi J 🙂
      I feel like I haven’t seen or heard from you in a million years! It’s almost a year since you were here last. Crazy!

      Why am i not surprised at what post/photo brought you out of the woodwork? 😆 Honestly, I have no idea what they were for. No, Kenny did not sit on one… Pimmie did. 😉 (Let’s see if he’s paying attention.)

  4. Shybiker says:

    Beautifully-written post. Truly an awesome experience, even without the strudel. 🙂

  5. pimmie says:

    Lasting two weeks and yes, I’m paying attention… 😐

  1. October 3, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Don B, Rachael. Rachael said: Blog Post: A Few Short Hours in Innsbruck, Austria http://goo.gl/fb/6ngpT […]

  2. October 12, 2010

    […] Innsbruck. Our time together was too […]

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