Crotona Midnight Run – Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Tacked to the door of my fridge is the flier for the 2010 Crotona Midnight Run. When it came in the mail, I really had no intention of doing the ride again. I just opened it up and stuck it there on the door for reasons unknown.

With the ride approaching next month, local motorcycle forums are a-buzz with chatter. Gung ho crazies are excitedly saying, “I’m in!”  and “You should do it!” and then there is, “It’s fun!”

I don’t know. I understand the appeal completely. And then again, I also understand how unappealing it is at the same time. I just can’t seem to commit to doing it again right now. I mean, I got a trophy last time. How can I possibly do that again? Unless of course no other women show up. 😆

Each time I go for a drink, each time I walk by, each time I make lunch; there it is taunting me  – “Girlie Men Need Not Apply.”

Girlie Men Need Not Apply - Crotona Midnight Run


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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8 Responses

  1. OG! says:

    I wonder if I could get my CT70 titled and on the street by then……

  2. novos says:

    You’ve got to do it! 😀 I’m still jealous of you doing the first one!

  3. soth says:

    Listen to Novos Fuzzy…


  4. Bill Kane says:

    Oh BOY !!! OH BOY !!! NO WAY, NO HOW. I’M NOT DOING THAT WITH YOU AGAIN ! So what’s the date?

  5. Ben says:


    Why not? I have my money on you even if you are the only woman. You will most certainly do better than most of the men. Plus I will be working at one of the checkpoints and greet you with a smile. Hope to see you there.


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