Tagged: art


Big Legs and the Janey Waney

The first time that I ever saw Legs, the Larry Rivers piece found on a private home in Sag Harbor, we’d passed it by chance on our way out to Montauk back in 2012....


Cincinnati Toy Heritage Mural – Cincinnati, Ohio

As I stood looking at the Cincinnati Toy Heritage mural, a sing-songy flow of words stumbled drunkenly out through the creaking saloon doors of my memory dedicated to the 1980’s. “I’m the Peculiar Purple...


Hopper’s House by the Railroad

The House that Inspired the Painter My attention operates with cyclical obsession. An idea will blow in on the breeze and lodge itself firmly in my mind. It’ll then go about the business of...


Sunday Check-In: Hello, Goodbye and a Hot Dog

When people start sending messages to see if i’m still alive, I know it’s time to say hello. So… Hello, from icy-cold Long Island! The weather here for the last few weeks hasn’t been...


Hunting the Stegosaurus of Hartford

Did I ever mention that I have a teensy-weensy problem with obsession? You’re shocked, I bet. Well, after peering over the rock wall of Alexander Calder’s former home in Connecticut, I browsed the web...


Seeking Calder: Riding in Roxbury

In my travels around the internet one of the rabbit holes that I recently fell down was reading about the sculptor Alexander Calder. Somewhere along the line, I learned that he lived and worked...