Sunday Check-In: Hello, Goodbye and a Hot Dog

When people start sending messages to see if i’m still alive, I know it’s time to say hello. So… Hello, from icy-cold Long Island!

The weather here for the last few weeks hasn’t been conducive to making my brain want to get out and about. There are some winters in which I’m not daunted by the cold and am gung-ho to do a million things. This hasn’t been one of those.

I haven’t really been doing much of anything at all, really. Mostly lingering around the house. That is fairly uncharacteristic of me in the sense that I’ve volunteered to do it and haven’t lost my mind as a result of it. But the truth is, I’m just so fucking tired at times it’s almost painful. And so, I’ve been loafing.

A couple of weeks ago, I sold my ole Husky TE-310. Happy life, little Husky! We made the exchange in Brooklyn. Since we were in the neighborhood I got to stop by Coney Island. Though it was positively frigid with a cutting wind, Kenny and I grabbed a hot dog at Nathan’s and did a quick walkaround looking at couple of the murals.

Do you know how much a regular hot dog at Nathan’s Coney Island costs? $4.50!

I’m not really what you’d call a cheapskate or anything but something about a $4+ run o’ the mill hot dog struck me as kind of outrageous. Pretty sure you can buy a whole package of the same brand at the supermarket for that much.

Just another indicator that I’m getting old, I guess. A few weeks ago, I had to ask my daughter to help me “make the Netflix” on the TV. ::sigh:: It’s happening.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to snap a nice photo of it but I did get to see the Greetings Tour Greetings from Coney Island mural.

I’d seen their mural in Waterbury, Connecticut at the tail end of 2016. As I went looking for the post, I realized I probably never shared it here. That’s an example of my blog getting derailed by Instagram. Instant gratification strikes again.

So that’s what I’ve been up to. I did go out for two rides in the last… two months, maybe? I’ll post some pics from those too, I s’pose. Maybe. I’ve got so many things I want to share that I become paralyzed and end up doing nothing, it seems.

The imagination machine is starting to crank up. I’ve been daydreaming about small town, America. Hopefully I’ll be getting out to see a few of them soon.

How’ve you been?


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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10 Responses

  1. Bob says:

    Glad to hear you’re alive! I’ve been missing my “Fuzzy Fix”. We got another 20+ inches of snow last week. Still riding to work. Bob

  2. Jim Moore says:

    You could ride back to Central Illinois and ride RT 66 again.

  3. Erin says:

    The same as you. 🙂 Tired of snow and cold and miss riding!

  4. RMachida says:

    I’d have to agree on the $4+ hot dog, but then again, I’m old. The 2 for $1 at the gas station seems to be about right…

    I finally made it out for the first time in a month. It was nice and sunny but still only 2°F so it wasn’t a very long ride.

  5. Curvyroads says:

    Glad to see you check in! It’s officially spring on Tuesday!

  6. Mike says:

    Sure glad to hear you are okay! Did you ever answer all the questions posed to you? I’ve missed your wanderings!! Lovely riding in Florida.

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      I bet it is lovely, right now. I’m trying to be patient 🙂

      I still have so many questions to answer! I haven’t forgotten them, I’ve just been feeling so run down I don’t feel like being “seen.” Hope to be back to normal soon. Then I’ll get back to answering.

      Ride safe, buddy!

  7. “Make the Netflix.” That does say something about you…;)

    Winter has been, well, awful. I find myself more and more reduced to lounging and complaining about the cold.. Old age.

    I would gladly pay four bucks for a Nathan’s hotdog if I could eat it without becoming addicted again. And that road would return me to heart attack city I fear. My wife is cooking a midnight snack right now. All I can smell is hot dogs….

    Glad you’re still with us. Was wondering about the sudden quiet.

  8. Steel says:

    Great to hear from you. Last year the cold weather didn’t stop me from riding…I even bought high-end heated gear.

    But this winter…I’m not sure why…didn’t ride so much.

  9. Ken Haylock says:

    Ah, there you are :-). Still plenty of ‘Ask Me Anythings’ to do while you can’t ride, and maybe some to do in best MotoVlog stylee while you ride?

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