Badass Motorcycle Broads: Meeting the ADVgrrl

Last night I went to dinner with Leslie from It was the first time we’ve met.

When I read on her blog that she would be coming back to Long Island, I reached out to her to see if she would be open to meeting up.

What makes you choose to meet someone – some stranger whose words you read on the internet? I’m not really sure. By and large I am really conservative when it comes to meeting other bloggers or people I talk with on social media. But, sometimes for whatever reason someone’s vibe, the things that they choose to share with the world just resonate with you.

Leslie is very easy to talk to. Very open, honest, interesting, funny – in many ways I felt like I’ve known her for ages. She was like and old friend that I just hadn’t met yet.

As a woman and a motorcyclist, she is someone I can relate to. She is in it for the love of the ride, for the grand adventure of life. Riding isn’t about adulation, ego stroking and selling sexy. Her riding and blogging experiences are something more. Her adventures are full of life and all that it entails. I appreciate that.

I came away from our meeting hoping that we will remain in touch. Her perspective gave me a lot to think about. I’m so glad that we met.

If you’re one of the 8 people who don’t read her blog – you should go there. Like… now.

Advgrrl Motorcycle Adventures

Oh! Before I forget – We took this awesome photo of our meeting. Nice, right?

fuzzygalore advgrrl

Okay. We didn’t really take that photo. But, I bet I had you fooled with the way I really captured our likenesses, didn’t I?



Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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11 Responses

  1. RichardM says:

    Pretty cool and a nice “photo” of the occasion as well. Leslie sounds like a wonderful person in her posts. Very honest and open…

  2. Shybiker says:

    Your picture looks just like you! Cute outfit, btw…

    Meeting online friends in person can be wonderful. I was honored when you agreed to see me.

  3. LOL! Love the pic. I’m glad you reached out, sounds like it was worth it.

  4. Leslie says:

    WOW…boy does your writing puts my blog to shame. I know not a competition but I love your write up of our meeting. My honor to have been a “chosen” one. We talked you know for over 3 hours! I could have spent more time with you to be honest. Thanks again for dinner and I am certain our paths will cross again in 2015. Nice getting to know you Rachael and reaching out on so many levels is healthy.

  5. Rosie says:

    You guys make me wanna blog! 😉

  1. November 26, 2014

    […] have to post this very REAL and well written post by Fuzzygalore.  The Motorcyclist blogger I met the other night here in NY.  Her writing kicks my ass in the […]

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