Memorial Day Weekend Family Dirt Riding

The long Memorial Day weekend gave our little family a lot of time to do the things we love, together. We hung around on the beach, barbequed and thanks to the generosity of friends – there was even some time to do some family trail riding.

Kenny Family Dirt Day

Chloe continues to progress in her riding. As a mom, I stand around watching her go – just beaming.

Chloe riding in the woods

With a child, you carry the hope in your heart that they do things  – not to please you – but because whatever it is speaks to them. That was one of the things I wrestled with, when we surprised Chloe with her dirt bike. Never having ridden one before how could we possibly know whether she would like it or not?

I can say with confidence that my monkey loves her dirt bike, not because anyone wants her to. But because it’s fun.

Chloe on the trail

Watching her move through the trail with confidence and grace is inspiring. Seeing her unfazed after wiping out, picking her bike back up and get going again makes me so proud. She has a self-sufficiency and fearlessness that I wish I could master.

Kids can teach you so much.


Rachael is the whimsical writer behind the 20+ year old Girlie Motorcycle Blog. As a freelance blogger, she is on a mission to inspire laughter, self-examination, curiosity, and human connection. Girlie Motorcycle Blog can be found on several Best Motorcycle Blog lists.

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2 Responses

  1. ToadMama says:

    Chloe on her bike is awesome. How could she not love it? Although one thing parents learn pretty quickly… kids are their own people. Just because they are from your loins doesn’t necessarily mean they will be of like mind. It is possible that she might not like it, but I am glad she does. Seeing her picks and hearing you talk about her makes me smile.

    • Fuzzygalore says:

      ..doesn’t necessarily mean they will be of like mind..

      Isn’t that the truth?

      I learned very quickly that Chloe marches to her own drummer. There are little sparkles of her personality that are really unique to her alone. As a parent, discovering them is pretty great. Love that kid <3

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